PITV @ Galaxy 13 or Horizons-1

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PSB said:
Also forgot to add there is a new load of Chinese channels in the clear right now on the E 9 / IA 13 satellite at 121w.


Im watching one of the CCTV 9 channels and its in English.
Its like the Chinese CNN, a lot of great stories there, and the pictures are alway great from this channel.
Newbie questions

I have voom and Directv right now, but still want to add a FTA. So what exactly do I need to start this hobby? Is there FAQ somewhere?
What kind of dish do I need? My house can accomodate a reasonable dish but not those BIG ones? Is there a DVR/recevier out there? Should I go with professional installation or do it my self (Atlanta)?

What I'm really want to get are those chinese channels for the wife and the european free sport channels (If there is any).

korient said:
I have voom and Directv right now, but still want to add a FTA. So what exactly do I need to start this hobby? Is there FAQ somewhere?
What kind of dish do I need? My house can accomodate a reasonable dish but not those BIG ones? Is there a DVR/recevier out there? Should I go with professional installation or do it my self (Atlanta)?

What I'm really want to get are those chinese channels for the wife and the european free sport channels (If there is any).


Check the FAQ part of this area

Also check out these satellites if you want to watch Chinese FTA channels:

Galaxy 3C at 95.0°W, 11780 H, 20760 - 3/4, CCTV 4, 9

Intelsat Americas 5 at 97.0°W, 11836 V, 20765 - 2/3, NTD etc
11991 V, 22000 - 3/4, MAC TV
12115 V, 22425 - 3/4, ETTV (scrambled), Da Ai

Intelsat Americas 13 at 121.0°W, 12161 V, 20000 - 7/8, CCTV 9, 11, CHC
(as in earlier post)

Galaxy 13/Horizons 1 at 127.0°W, 11720 H, 26800 - 3/4, Skylink, GuangDong,
LiaoNing, FuJian, ChongQing,
IFTV, CEN, etc
(I have no luck with it yet...)
PSB said:
Thats a strange one, no tree to blame. Cant say I have noticed a change in the recent past, I just look for quality level when I point a dish. A bigger dish may help, what kind/brand have you got I know the size.

fta_lover, take note. You may not believe this but try inserting a SatFinder meter in the line going to the dish. this will bring the signal quality up to usuable level!

Don't ask me why but it work for me when I am having the same trouble you did.

Yeah, I noticed the same thing. But finally I figured out my problem was azimuth calculation error. Though only 50 miles from SF, SJC's angle is quite different. Here's the compass read at SJC in case anyone needs it:

G3C: 125 deg
IA5: 127.5 deg
AMC4: 132.7 deg
IA13: 163.5 deg
G13/H1: 173 deg

I'm currently locking on IA5/T5 and IA13. Very good programs on IA13 (thanks to Perter for first publishing the parameters). It's a package soon to be bundled with Dish Network international programming. CCTV 9, CCTV movie channel, entertainment channel, Beijing, Shanghai, Hunan, Guangdong, Shanxi, and many more.... all on free trial. Don't miss this opportunity!
How to watch those new Chinese Channels on IA13

HI FTA_lover,

Have seen your posting regarding the programs on IA13. I am in Ohio. How can I get those signals by using my existing dish and receiver which I can only watch CCTV4 and CCTV9 right now?

Thanks for your response in advance.
hero said:
HI FTA_lover,

Have seen your posting regarding the programs on IA13. I am in Ohio. How can I get those signals by using my existing dish and receiver which I can only watch CCTV4 and CCTV9 right now?

Thanks for your response in advance.

all you have to do is move the dish :)
26 deg to the right (from behind dish), from G3C to IA13/E9. Use the below test card to find the satellite, if you had a motor you could move back and forth as often as you like as they may not be there for long! Good Luck!


12018 Freq.
more questions

Dear all the helpers,

I found from somewhere else it should be 12161 v20000, but peter mentioned it is 12108. So which is the right one?

Will the Chinese program stay in IA13 for a while or they will stop it after Oct-1st which is the encryption starting date?

One more question is that when I move the dish to the right about 30 degrees, do I need to adjust the vertical angle as well? Is there any websites where I can find out the exact dish angles for my position in OHio?

Thanks a million!
The Freq. I gave you is for a 24/7 Test card "Super Dish" I use this channel to find the satellite as its in the clear, but the other channels come and go and eventually will be encrypted!
Galaxy13/Horizons 1 at 127.0 west

Hi guys,
I tried to get reception from Galacy13/Horizons 1 over the weekend but failed. I set it to 11720 H and 26800 and got signal up to 60% but can't get any channels when I tried to search for channels. I noticed that I pointed my dish to Galaxy3C. How can this happen? Does anybody have suggestions? My zip code is 01864. I live in Boston area.
hero said:
Will the Chinese program stay in IA13 for a while or they will stop it after Oct-1st which is the encryption starting date?

unklnown at this point. Stuff comes and goes all the time
One more question is that when I move the dish to the right about 30 degrees, do I need to adjust the vertical angle as well? Is there any websites where I can find out the exact dish angles for my position in OHio?

Thanks a million!

Excellent web site! One stop shop.

hero, you probably also need a sat finder. It would make the adjusting much easier. Of course, the signal from IA13 is much stronger than other sat, maybe because it's a dedicated TV program sat, not like others for communications. I was able to locate it and G3C without a sat finde.

I used 12161, and my receiver adjusted to 12155.

Not sure how long it will last for free. The trial on AMC4 (TISTV) lasted for almost a year before they switched to Dish Network. This time the trial is on DN sat directly. I'd expect it in commercial operation very soon. However, it's worth a try if you enjoy programs from the Mainland.
I heard this will last till December. However, CCTV4 at G3 will has an extra channel coming up at October, don't know it is free first or just go scrambled from date one. We will see.
I cannot find those sats in my sat list

Where are Galaxy 13 or Horizons-1 ?
Sometimes you guyts post satallites and I cannot match the names in my 3688 sat list.
Is it me?
Let me know :)
On the Satwork 3688 I use Galaxy 9 its at the same position in the sky (orbital slot) 127w : )
Most chinese channels on Galaxy13 have been scrambed sinc Jan 16th 2005, sad.
I am stuck with 10 complete sets which I want to help friends to watch these chinese TVs for fun. I even received complains from friends I helped to install for free, sad again.
I am trying to locate Echostar 9 carrying many other chinese channels.
Can anyone tell how to find it?

Please reply by conversation.

Is it possible to hook up 2 pansats together?

FTA Setup and Dish Network 121

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