Piece of crap! 811 that is!

I've had the 811 since 12/03, and I've had all the problems listed. I don't use DVI, so I don't know if 2.69 or 2.80 affected that in a bad way. On the brighter side, most of the problems have been addressed over the months, and are much less frequent now than they were. I've gotten used to the OTA quirks of the 811, and only on rare occasions now do I try to access the guide from an OTA channel. Yeah, they need to fix that, and I'm sure that's on the list, like the other problems that have been addressed. I'm in the software maintainance field myself, and I know there are traps you can fall into when you try to rush out fixes to problems without a comprehensive regression test.

721 DVR recording to DVD possible?

Question about last night LAX on NBC-HD....
