Pictures size problems with LG set-top HD tuner


Original poster
Nov 13, 2004
I have a new Samsung 32" LCD TV (LT-P326W) which has two different inputs into it:

1) Dish Network 501 (?) DVR box via S-video for non-HD satellite feed
On this setup the picture size(s) are fine, and the wide and panorama settings fill the whole screen, as you would expect.

2) a Zenith SilverSensor antenna going to a LG HG tuner/DVD player combo (model is LST-3510A) attached to the TV via DVI.

Picture quality on #2 isn't bad, except that the picture size does not behave as I would expect.

On all the local Digital channels except channel 4, the "wide" setting is about as wide as 4:3, with wide black bars on the right and left sides. The 4:3 setting is even narrower, definitely squished looking. On local channel 4, the "wide" setting fills the whole screen as you would expect, except for about an inch on each side.

I have tried setting the picture size on both the TV and on the LG set-top box, and neither settings seem to fix this. The LG lets me change the resolution of the feed going to the TV to 720p or 1080i and neither of those seems to work. Component input and DVI input both do the same thing. Setting it to 480p gets me a different set of option (like letterbox, etc.) and those do seem to work right.

Is there any other thing I am failing to check or change?

Or is this just an incompatibility between the LG box and the Samsung TV? Should I just take back the LG set-top box and just get Voom or a Dish Network HD box? (I've been holding off waiting on Voom for the DVR... and on Dish for the 942).
I can't comment on all your issues but I can say one thing:

Not all your digital channel's material will be HD or 16x9 (widescreen) thus the side bars.

As a matter of fact, I would assume that if this is a 16x9 TV that any channel you view that is of 4x3 content (which is the majority of regular TV) will have the bars unless you change the TV display to stretch mode.
I realize not all programming is going to be 16:9.

But I cannot, no matter what I do, MAKE it stretch to fill the screen. Changing the picture size settings on the HD tuner doesn't do it, and changing it on the TV doesn't do it, and I can't figure out why. That's really my question.

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