I don't care for people hovering over me either but if you are just standing there and not saying anything and staring at every thing I do that is what we define as "hover". If you are actively helping hand tools, chit chat about whatever ask simple questions about the system and not try to over complicate things or put me on the spot as to why a channel was removed cause I sure as hell don't know then that is fine. It is your home, and I for one would really like to have someone present close by to ask if I can drill a hole in one spot vs another rather than spend a extra vital few minutes hunting you down most likely thru pets that were not put up or kids that are in the way and not told to do so. But keep this in mind just because we don't appreciate being hovered over doesn't mean we are "up to something", but rather just trying to concentrate and do our job...after all if you could do it and do it better than you should have done so rather than call a professional. There are plenty of do it yourself instructions on this site and others about how to install satellite systems.