Pictures Inside - Help With Low Quality + OmegaSat DSB5701 + LNB

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kianfar: In at least 6 posts above, people have told you to adjust the skew of the LNB. You must do that. It looks very awkward to reach the LNB, but until you adjust that, you will never have optimum signal strength.
I messed with the skew, but lost all channels. Wasn't even getting 10-15%. I then, inch by inch turned it to where I thought it was, and got it back the 30-50% I was getting. At that point, I simply screwed the lnb back and hardened it.
Someone had asked for pictures of what the dish is pointing. It's pointing toward a deck! Hopefully this helps!
Can you go to the ground and align your sight with the LNB holder arm, and slightly up from there, so you're basically looking at the same piece of sky the dish is. Has something been placed or grown up in that view?
Someone had asked for pictures of what the dish is pointing. It's pointing toward a deck! Hopefully this helps!

Well usually you take a photo from behind the dish so we can see what is in front of the dish :D With these photos we can't really tell.
From the bottom:


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The dish is skewed! That explains why skewing the LNB (more) lost signal. Normally these dishes are installed with the portion of the tube the dish mount slips over being perfectly vertical. Than one can use the elevation scale on the mount set to the satellite elevation. With it "skewed", that's pretty much not an option. BTW: kinda looks like the required 25 degree skew though.
In the second picture, it appears that it's aimed at the top leaves of the tree in front of it.
A picture taken with the camera at the dish face and resting on the lower arm, taking a pic of the face of the lnb would confirm.
If theres green around the lnbf face in the pic, that's probably the problem.
It was pouring rain, I didn't get to snap a good picture. Now that you bring up the tree (leaf) situation, I have to go and check it out tomorrow. If that's the case, then I think a re-install should be in order. Ugh....
The dish mount isn't skewed, it was simply installed on a mast that isn't plumb and level. Looks like the installer couldn't install the mast correctly because the dish would hit the porch railing. Lazy, but it is the hand that you have been dealt!

The angled mast will make aiming very difficult! None of the aiming, elevation or skew settings will apply as these settings are based on angle measurements taken from a plumb and level mast. Likely that due to the mast being angled at such an extreme angle, none or little dish elevation setting will be needed.

I can almost guarantee that the top of the tree has grown into partly blocking the satellite signal. The offset dish is aiming right into the tree. Satellite signals will not pass through the leaves. Springtime with the new leaves have attenuated the satellite signals.

Time to either trim the tree or move the dish....
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Damn... I guess time to pick up the phone, and call an installer. I want the dish on the deck it self. I don't like the whole side business. So hard to access!
Well, finally a sunny day, after a week of rain. Took some better pictures. I really think it's the leafs on the tree. Was hoping, I could tweak the sattelite LNB, but it seems like a full re-install should be in order.


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Agreed.... You can't fight mother nature. The tree has grown into the line of sight for the satellite signal. Time to prune or move the dish.
After tweaking with it, everything stopped working. Couldn't take it, and called in an installer. He tweaked it a bit where it was originally, and we just couldn't really pick up anything quality. We decided to do a fresh install, and fresh install we did. Got 270 channels total, and out of that 50 of them useful to me (Persian Channels). Signals range from 91-99 and quality ranges from 71-75. I asked if we could improve the quality from 70's to the 90's. He said, on Omegasat, for East Coast 70% quality is equivalent of 100%. Overall, glad that channels are working fine. He did say however, that FTA is not to stay, and sooner than later all these channels will be all on IP, and over Internet Receivers are the new things.

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Glad to hear that you have your channels again. Great that you moved the dish. Should buy you another year before the tree grows into the path again.

Don't count out FTA to soon. Many of the target viewers don't have broadband. The market demographics will keep FTA channels here for many years to come.
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