Picture Quality

I too live in the PHX metro (Gilbert) NOTHING will help with monsoonal rain or dust clouds! But rain covers do work in light and moderate rain area; EVEN for the Dish products that have the tiny cover over the LNB. No dish, regardless of the LNB housing constuction is "rain proof". A bigger dish will also reduce rain fade, if you can get one.
Out of curiosity, have you been able to compare DISH with COX digital cable or Qwest Choice TV? I used to have Qwest and I don't see any improvement over picture quality with DISH. I still get occasional artifacts and sound drops. But my DISH setup does seem to be more susceptible to interference from local channels (waves on the screen). I just use the s-video input to resolve that but I never had the problem with Qwest. Do you get local interference in Gilbert?
I have never had any types of if interference. Are you talking about channels bleeding on to another, or actual interference? I didn't like Cox at all; picture or customer service. I switched to the Qwest video service as part of their entire VDSL package. The picture was slightly better than cable and I never had OTA interference or channel bleed through, but because of limited channel offering picked up D* for about 4 years and have been with E* for about 1.5 years now.

I think both D* & E* have slightly better picture and easily better audio than both Cox & Qwest.

Can you give a simple run down of how you are setup; including any A/V head unit or switching units and cables used?

Depending of what you are seeing as "interference" could turn out to by in the way the actual local is delivered to your provider. They are delivered to you via sat, but not all are delivered to the provider via sat, but we can deal with that after you give a bit more explination.

I have a DVR 522 and sometimes get waves on the screen when watching with the RF connection (channel 3 or 4). I tried connecting with a piece of the same cable they used to connect the dish on the roof with the receiver (RG6 I think) directly from the 522 TV1 RF out to the TV and still get the waves. The waves come and go but I never get them when I watch using s-video or composit inputs. This is why I think is is local interference. I never had that problem with the Qwest gateway using RF connections.

I think the Qwest gateway transmitted a stronger modulated signal because I get a grainy picture on the TV2 distribution. I added a line amplifier to fix that problem.
I also live near North Mt where a lot of transmitter towers live so I wonder if that has something to do with it too.
Well as stated before NEVER use the coax solution, as this acts as a nice big antenna for all types of signals. TV, FM, CB, etc. I now see your issue because of being FORCED to use that RF thanks to the "whole house" solution crap.

You could try to add in a signal filter for the intruding signal, but you will have to determine what type of signal it is.

You could also try using a UL approved, commercial grade, 60% braid, swept-tested RG-6, not all RG-6 is the same.