We got DTV about a week ago. My HR24 was fine but the other HR24 was acting like a rain fade issue so my other half thought it was due to weather. Last night she asked me to check it out and it looked like a marginal signal level. The picture would break up but not disappear, the audio would cut out briefly, and occasional a warning window would pop up for a few milliseconds. I could not make out what it was stating clearly but did manage to make out "searching" and "satellite signal" (I think). Compared signal levels between HR24s and the one in trouble was only 1 point average below the other (coax run is longer) and showing about 88 - 94 on 95W. FINALLY decided to bypass the Panamax PM8-HT coax connections and presto, the weird problem cleared! BTW, the other "good" HR24 was and is still is on a Panamax M8HC-PRO coax connections without problems FWIW. I'll try using an old MAX8DBS on her HR24 later and see what happens. The specs on the coax protection should not be causing any problems on these particular surge protectors though.