Depending on it's age, it may be a 10 turn pot for a sensor. If so a pulse conversion will be necessary to use a new mover. (GBox, VBox, Titanium ASC1) ...
The photo in post #22 is the original pot sensor from 1986. So it needs to be replaced by something that will work with a modern dish mover.
As suggested by other members here I made a magnet wheel and bought a reed sensor. Here is a photo of what I built based on info found here on satelliteguys. It works very well and was inexpensive to make. I can give you a list of where I got the raw materials if you decide to make one.
I would also recommend extending the LNBF rods about an inch so that the scalar ring is about 1 inch farther from the dish. This is because the focal length of the dish is 40.55 inches (according to forum member 'pendragon'), and the scalar ring is too close now to position the C1PLL. My focal length tests agree with pendragon's. In addition, as FaTAir pointed out above, the hole for the scalar ring is too small for a C1PLL. You can either enlarge it a few mm or start over from scratch and make a multi-LNBF mount like I did in the photo below. It works great for both KU and C-Band.
When I got my BirdView, it had no LNBF rods or scalar ring. So before I made the multi-LNBF mount shown above, I used an original BirdView scalar ring kindly provided by 'radio'.
The original scalar ring (like the one you have) worked OK for just C-Band, but I wanted to add KU reception. With this multi-LNBF setup shown above I am getting good C-Band reception and outstanding KU reception. I am now pulling in a LOT more on KU than ever before. It even far surpasses what I was getting with my 1.2m offset dish. For C-Band, it is roughly equivalent to my 10' Unimesh.
ordered titanium lnb off ebay. So next will be getting it in the ground and aligned. I will temporarily use boat battery to move it. Till I figure out if a vbox will work, or what I will need.
You should get excellent results with the Titanium C1PLL.
For moving the dish a VBox will work fine.
I have plenty of extra threaded 5/16" rods if you need some to make a scalar ring extension. I have no need for them and would be happy to mail you what you need.