Physical Dimensions of 508 & 510?


SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Dec 20, 2003
Union City, CA
I just received an 811 and 510, and need to order new custom shelves for the 811 and 510 for my Middle-Atlantic rack. After looking at Middle-Atlantic's website, it says that their database has custom shelves for a DISHPVR 508 and a ECHOSTAR 510. However, the rack height and the depth is different on both:

508: rack height = 2, depth = 11.5" (this matches more of the 510 physical dimensions given on E*'s website)
510: rack height = 3, depth = 14"

Isn't the 510 physically the same (with a bigger hd) as a 508? I just want to make sure I order the right shelf for my gear, and, at the same time, email Middle-Atlantic about the discrepancy.
Got Both models they are the same box size. The new 510 says nothing on the front as far as model number and the 508 says 508 on the smart card door.

Charlie's working on HD distant locals

322 with Legacy Quad ?

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