Phoenix Meredith stations dispute?

Meredith continues to demand DISH pays higher fees to carry their channels than any other broadcaster in the nation. We offered to match the rates paid by other pay-tv providers but Meredith Corporation refused this offer. The fact is, only Meredith Corporation can choose to remove their channels from DISH customers. We had hoped to avoid service interruption for our customers by offering to extend the contract so you would not be impacted but Meredith Corporation refused.
Meredith has ruined our local NBC affiliated station. Were it not for just a couple of network shows I wouldn't need it at all.
OK, I'll bite... what are the broadcasters gaining by the repack?

I had not heard broadcasters were behind the move to DTV. Do you have any links (I don't doubt you, but would like to read about their reasoning)?

Too far back to wade through it all but it wasn't made mandatory till the industry agreed and the change to digital was enthusiastic, HDCP ring a bell? (Windowless van of consumer control)

They also want 3.0 for some of the same reasons, partly because it can provide more control and for other consumer friendly reasons also.
"Reaction was swift to new FCC chairman Ajit Pai's decision to propose letting broadcasters roll out the new ATSC 3.0 transmission standard.
"NAB strongly supports the FCC moving ahead on two proceedings of significant importance to broadcasters – a rulemaking on Next Gen Television and an AM revitalization order," said National Association of Broadcasters executive VP of communications Dennis Wharton."
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No link, but it's pretty obvious to me the DTV transition was all about taking control of pirating and attacking "fair use". Even today, recording HD content for offline use (unless you pay a monthly DVR fee or lose it when you switch providers) is much more difficult than in the VCR/DVD recorder days. So yes, the content owners and broadcasters had much of a stake in it. The higher resolution was just the eye candy to lure consumers into the windowless van of consumer control.
I see the DTV transition more as a money grab (multiple streams over a single channel), recording HD OTA signals is not hard at all, Tablo is dead simple and has been around for a while now newer entrants like the Recast are becoming available. The HD Home Run and comparable devices do require some technical expertise but they are perfectly capable o recording HD OTA signals.
I see the DTV transition more as a money grab (multiple streams over a single channel), recording HD OTA signals is not hard at all, Tablo is dead simple and has been around for a while now newer entrants like the Recast are becoming available. The HD Home Run and comparable devices do require some technical expertise but they are perfectly capable o recording HD OTA signals.
Yes, it is relatively easier now, but for the first 10-15 years of DTV those options didn't exist.
For now. The FCC can say in 5 years (10, whatever) that everyone must go to ATSC 3.0.
The FCC can't do that but Congress can. Congress passes the laws and the FCC enforces them. That said, Congress can pass a law that says the airwaves are for cell only should they wish and throw OTA television out with the bathwater anytime they wish. I can see that happening as time goes by.
The FCC can't do that but Congress can. Congress passes the laws and the FCC enforces them. That said, Congress can pass a law that says the airwaves are for cell only should they wish and throw OTA television out with the bathwater anytime they wish. I can see that happening as time goes by.
I don't see it happening in our lifetime.
One note about Meredith, they are the only company that does not give up the regular line up of OTA diginets like KATU/KOIN/KGW/KOPB. With those, we get the same they get in Portland. But out here we get the translators.Meredith want us to have both of their main stations KPTV FOX/KPDX MYTV, so they send that duo out over their whole rural network. Instead of giving us 12.1 KPTV/12.2 COZI/12.3 Laff. But at least we do get FOX and MYTV out here.
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Has there been any updates about this issue? I need to decide to or not to get an OTA dual tuner adapter for my Hopper 3 to record my local Fox channel while I am out of town. The new fall season will be starting while I am out of town.

Also has any issues popped up with the AirTV dual tuner adapter? This is what I have with my Wally in my RV.
The DISH site as of the 22nd update wasn't encouraging I'm a little surprised it hasn't been finalized. I don't have the ota adaptor to help with that.

Sent from my KFDOWI using the SatelliteGuys app!
Well, it'll be 2 weeks tomorrow for the dispute and I just wanted to mention that I purchased an OTA dongle a few days ago. Reception for me with rabbit ears is very spotty/intermittent though as I've already mentioned (which is why I have Dish in the first place). I can't receive any of our stations that broadcast on VHF at all no matter where I put the antenna (8, 10, 12) and just a few on UHF (3, 5, 33 and 45). If I move the antenna around I can get other UHF stations (21, 39, 61) but then I lose 3 and 5. Never realized what a p.i.t.a. digital TV is. Also, I called the phone number from the free antenna install email Dish sent me and they are coming out in a few weeks to "survey the situation" (as they put it) about putting up an outdoor antenna for me. I have also called the local stations to politely indicate my displeasure about the blackout (they both have the same phone number) but I get the feeling they really don't care.

For me what really stings is that the stations call themselves "Arizona's Family" as a brand and constantly talk/have commercials about their free apps/being able to watch NewsON for content
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What conduit end connector should I use?

Can't watch live TV via Dishanywhere with Firefox?

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