philly locals

The bandwidth being consumed by WNJS 23 has been reduced considerably.

WPSG 57 bandwidth is now at the low end of the consumption chart.

57 seems fine to me. I not only don't see any snow, but the compression artifacts are gone too. Believe me when I say it was unbearable to watch before. It has improved immensely. I don't know what they did for channel 57 is still at reduced power for I can't pick it up on my one rabbit ear tv. Hopefully E* will write back as they have previously and explain what was done. I personally feel they should be receiving all of the digital versions of the stations and down converting. If not that they should use fiber damn the cost to receive all of the channels.

how they fixed 57

here's a reply form E* explaining how they dfixzed the poor signal form channel 57.
We have made a temporary arrangement with the station to use the digital signal. This is only temporary until they get repairs made. We did cap the BW for WNJS.

Also here's a reply from channel 57 about their problem.

Our main antenna went down in late December and we have been using a back up since then. Our main antenna has now been repaired and we are in the process of arranging for it to be reinstalled. We are just waiting for the right personnel and equipment to arrive in Philadelphia to complete the job. It shouldn't be too much longer until we are back with you.

I'm glad that E* did somehting to fix the problem for it was messing with all the Philly locals.

Wow, great to see that posts here can lead to some positive action!
Back to channel 23... It would seem that it is a bit of a waste of bandwith to broadcast two stations... Ch 23 to Philly and Ch 50 to NYC, with exactly the same programming. Why not just take the NYC feed and remap to Ch 23 in the Philly market. I'm sure NJN would grant a waiver for this and it would free up some bandwith for E*.

DVR 625 drive corrupted, must delete everything? HELP!

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