Petition Thread to E*: Resolve the Tivo Situation or Else We're Gone

I will go without a DVR before I would consider putting a TIVO receiver in my house after this. As far as I am concerned and in my opinion, the enemy in this is TIVO, not Charlie!
...and that I got nervous when Charlie basically said on the earnings call that he would shut the DVR's off if ordered to.

Now a statement like that just bugs the hell outta me.

"There's no D-Day" "Charlie wouldn't do that" etc, etc, etc...and then Charlie says that if ordered to shut the DVR's off, he'll do it.

Despite being a long time, loyal Dish sub, I'm sorry, but I won't live without a DVR (yes, it's only TV, I fully know that). Charlie has had years (literally) to settle this Tivo issue and has failed to do so because he thinks that losing to them is an embarrassment...well, I wonder how he'll feel when his company is nearly worthless because he's lost a ton of subs if he has to shut off all the DVRs? Will his gamble have been worth it?

My DVR functionality gets turned-off (and my EHD functionality goes with it) and I'm going elsewhere. Simple as that.
Nice jab with the HDRSN's as I totally agree with you there. I want to add another 211, but am left in the air now as I need another room added.. I dont want to go out and buy a 211, if the external hard drive gets axed. If the DVR service gets axed, then I would have just wasted my money and time. The only thing that keeps me from uverse (alot of things actually) is that there service is way worse than any other provider. D* until the launches, cant even compete with Comcast in my area. Dish is the best out there, add in HD RSN's and dish only strengthens there lineup where they had a very weak spot. Add in SproutHD, even better!

Charlie Im available for hire if you need a bailout man in your programming department. The best way to get me to stop complaining, is simple add the channels or let me negotiate for you to get them on the air!
Up until now I have been avoiding jumping to Verizon's Fios, which has a less compressed picture, better VOD offerings (including free access to PayTv content for services that I would subscribe to), always on HD RSNs, and more local channels. The SINGLE reason that I have not left is that your DVRs are better and more robust than theirs.
I certainly understand your frustration with this "Tivo" situation and appreciate your thoughtful posting. However, although we were very happy 622 users, we jumped over to FiOS more than 2-years ago since I could no longer stand HD-Lite. Trust me...we loved the 622, but you'll fall in love with the TivoHD/Premiere after a couple weeks (adjustment period) and the FiOS TV service cannot be beat.
When will we know more? Are we waiting on a ruling of some sort, or are we past that? Who's next move is it, and whats the deadline? Anyone know...
Shutting off DVR's is like the cable company being prevented from being able to offer internet with their Television service.

If you remember it almost did happen with Comcast, and at the very last minute they came to some agreement and took over the internet service from @Home.

For all of you who are truely concerned, lets look at the facts...

#1 Charlie Ergen is not an idiot, he knows what will happen if they loose the ability to sell DVR. They will either come to a deal at the last minute, or Charlie will find some way to get around it.

#2 As of right now, I do not believe that there is software out there that will disable the DVR's. If there was software, customers who did not want to pay $6 for the DVR could request the DVR features to be turned off. If you don't want to pay a DVR Fee today it would require swapping out the receiver. Not saying that it can't be done, but if Dish was ordered to shut down DVR's tomorrow there responce would be to say its not possible without shutting down the receiver completely which would cause the customer to loose service completely.

So then the issue will be that they have to write software to do it which will take a few months to design and test, which will buy more time.

Dish network was not told they needed to write new software to shut down the DVR's so for all Dish is concerned it does not exist and would have to be written from scratch.

#3 This lawsuit does not concern the VIP series product, so more than likely the effected models would be the 522's 625's and 510's.

For all we know, Charlie has a 1 VIP series DVR sitting in a warehouse for every effected DVR that would be ordered to be shut down. All he would do is ship people VIP series DVR's and this whole thing would have to be started all over again with a new lawsuit to include the VIP series DVR's

Based on sales experence during the past few years, I would lay odds on it there is more VIP product in the field than the older non-vip product.

#4 What about a licensing agreement with a competitor of Tivo? What about Replay TV?

There is just so many possibilities for things to happen, I don't see Charlie shutting down everyones DVR's
Yes we've heard a thousand times that Charlie will never let the DVR's be shut off. I believe it. Probably most here believe it. Am a little worried about what that might cost, but I believe it. I also don't think that it would be wise for Charlie to come out and say, "I will never let the DVR function be shut off. If I lose, I'll either buy the company or pay the ransom." He just can't do that at this point. He said that he would shut them off if ordered by the court to do so. He has to say that even if he would never let it happen. And he has been sitting at the table playing his cards too long to just get up and quit now. Like it or not he's going to take this to the end and exhaust his legal remedies.

BTW riffjim4069, If Verizon would buy my local phone company and run the fiber to our town of 600, I would be thier biggest pom pom girl ever too. And I would get used to their DVR. So you're not alone in that sentiment. I have no doubt that many of the 80 % or so of the country, including a lot of Verizon's own customers, that currently can't get FIOS, probably would too.
RockyMtnHigh is correct.

Charlie even told me before face to face that if he had to write a check he would.

I must admit that I am disapointed that there was no mention of Tivo at Team Summit this week, and that I got nervous when Charlie basically said on the earnings call that he would shut the DVR's off if ordered to.

We have to remember that Charlie is in a huge game of poker at the moment, we must remember that no one plays poker then the man.

Yes I would LOVE to see him settle, but in this lawsuit what if he is right.

His comment during the conference call was just classic Charlie. He was doing his best to make TiVo believe that he would be willing to shut down the DVR's if they could not come to a reasonable (from Ergan's view) deal. He just doesn't want TiVo to think that they have a gun to his head, but please, they do, and Charlie knows it. Ergan has settled suits in the past, and, IMHO, he probably would have preferred to settle this one, as well, but me thinks TiVo is being very demanding (greedy) and taking it to the max. TiVo will be getting a check in one form or another, but I would prefer to see Dish as the latest member on the board as a partner and have access to all TiVo technology and its reach into Best Buy, etc., rather then just paying for the supposed TiVo patents now and that's it. Oh and a TiVo bug on the EPG next to the TV Guide bug..

After all the fee restructuring was all about building in a TiVo licensing fee should it come to that, or at least fund a seat on the board of directors.
Someone just needs to tell Tivo to take their stuff and shove it. If Dish is required to shut the boxes down, what's next? Forbidding any other type of DVR out there?
I think the other issue here is that Charlie has to be respectfull of the judge at this point. For Charlie to flat out say he will never shut off DVR's is just going to spite the judge which could make things very difficult.

Just wait till this is all over, if Charlie manages to wiggle out of this and does not have to come to a licensing agreement with Tivo, he will find a way to get back at him. Don't be surprised if DISH Network launches some sort of Tivo buy back program and offers big programming discounts to switch.
I think the other issue here is that Charlie has to be respectfull of the judge at this point. For Charlie to flat out say he will never shut off DVR's is just going to spite the judge which could make things very difficult.

Just wait till this is all over, if Charlie manages to wiggle out of this and does not have to come to a licensing agreement with Tivo, he will find a way to get back at him. Don't be surprised if DISH Network launches some sort of Tivo buy back program and offers big programming discounts to switch.

TIVO buyback? That sounds great if the TIVO user pays MONTHLY.

But lifetime owners arent just locked in, they have a good deal in comparison to Es unreal new box fees.

Heck I have decided to go TIVO with netflix, and hopefully skip cable completely..........

charlie is helping as this makes news nationwide current and future subs will be shopping for alternatives:)

Its never good to encourage more shopping by your subs:(

I think between the fees and this mess Es churn will spike a lot:)
This part of this issue I do blame Charlie on, as we are left dangling like puppets on a sting out here.
You're only dangling if you choose to be. Those that haven't chosen to follow the trial couldn't care less as this is all a business decision.

You can't change the temperature by watching the thermometer.
TIVO buyback? That sounds great if the TIVO user pays MONTHLY.

But lifetime owners arent just locked in, they have a good deal in comparison to Es unreal new box fees.

Heck I have decided to go TIVO with netflix, and hopefully skip cable completely..........

charlie is helping as this makes news nationwide current and future subs will be shopping for alternatives:)

Its never good to encourage more shopping by your subs:(

I think between the fees and this mess Es churn will spike a lot:)

Bob are you really leaving Dish or will we be in the same place in 6 months with complaining and saying you're really going to leave this time? If you're going to go, then stop dragging it out!

Well, I cancelled Dish

922 = 942????

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