Petition for HD DVD!

i think you are way off on this. i would be willing to bet that over 60 percent of the ps3s sold on launch day went on ebay. i think the ones who kept them are the hardcore gamers who want it for games and not so much for blue ray. i don't think people camped out three days to get a blue ray player.

i don't think the people wanting blue ray are spending over a thousand dollars on ebay for a blueray player. i think the ones are that are selling are for video game use and not blueray.

I've bought more BD than games. 8- 2
I just wish that there were one player.....which I did hear was developed....that would play both formats. It seems to me that all of this format war crap creates confusion for the consumer. I want to buy something now but I am very unsure of what to buy. Both formats are not performing up to expectations because of price and consumer confusion....and I'm more confused than ever. Also, I'm not that happy about the PS3 having a built it Blu-Ray player. I rather have a seperate component like the XBOX 360 has. I figure that there will be alot of wear and tear on any PS3...if there is something that needs to be fixed in the future, you are down a game system and a player.
Everyone wants to know why Toshiba's HD-DVD player can be sold for $499 and there are no BluRay players out there for $499.:confused:

HELLO? PS3 for $499! And it comes with HDMI 1.3 and TrueHD decoding (with DTS HD decoding in the future?) And guess what -- you can play games too!:yikes

Have any of you seen the prices for the new standalone HD-DVD players coming out next year. Toshiba's new $499 player does away with the analog out ports and only provides HDMI (but not HDMI 1.3). Their top player will be priced at $899 with analog out and HDMI 1.3. And the Samsungs can now be purchased for under $900. So how is THIS cheaper?:eureka:

That is right, those newer HD-DVD drives are gonna cost (money or performance). So by next spring we are going to be looking at a more even playing field. I am still not convinced that the market is not going to support both formats. Man, the world is big and I can easily see BluRay dominating places like Europe and Asian and HD-DVD making it big here in the America.

But I am telling you, if those other BluRay player manufactures start delivering product and the studios only making movies for the BluRay market don't change their direction HD-DVD will not maintain the lions share of the market nor will they ever be able to catch up. It is a simple matter of mathmatics.

Hpman, I have already purchased 4 BD titles and I don't even have a PS3 yet. However, my daughter is #50 at a Sony Store for a 60GB so if I cannot get one by Christmas she will get it for me. I have predicted that the atach rate for BD movies will be signifacantly higher then the games-- and this is how Sony is going to make money.:) :bow
This is why no PS3 for me. Even the RCA 52" Black Friday TV at Walmart for $487! doesn't do 720p. Alot of 1080i TVs exist that don't do 720p. A co-worker of mine had a Mitsubishi model from 2-3 years ago that cost him over $3000 that doesn't do 720p. But it's ok, the Xbox 360 upscales just fine to 1080i for him. :D


A lot of TVs are not doing 720P they are upconverting it to 1080i. My Hitachic does 540P or 1080i thats it, it upconverts DVDs to 540P and will take any input and upconvert it or I can force it to upconvert everything to 1080i.
I would say that any new HDTV regardless of the technology if purchased today would either display 720p or upconvert to 1080i or 1080p that 720p signal. So no problem for the PS3 and new HDTVs!
You Bozo, that is for video game playback only and only on old RPTVs that do not accept a 720p signal. Movie playback can be done on a BluRay title in 480p, 720p, 1080i, & 1080p outputs right now on the PS3. You can not uprez regular DVDs (something Sony happens to have coming in a future download -- You XBOX360 guys know anything about downloads giving you more options?) And come to think of it the M$ HD-DVD player does not do any uprez of regular DVD movies either. Geez T2k do you ever read any reviews at all?:rolleyes:
You Bozo, My HD-DVD player upscales commercial DVD's.
Uh Vurbano,are you talking about your standalone Toshiba HD-DVD player? Cause you sure are not talking about M$ HD-DVD player. Besides, doesn't the XBOX360 DVD player already upconverts DVDs to 1080i?

Besides, Tk2's statement was about the BluRay movie playback not doing 720p (which it does). The confusion is about the PS3 not upconverting 720p games when the HD RPTV does not accept a 720p signal at all.

And who cares about upconverting DVDs, I am NOT buying a BluRay or HD-DVD player to upconvert regular DVDs to 1080i or 1080p. I already have a Denon 3910 that does better than anything currently out on the market for any HD format. I am purchasing that BluRay or HD-DVD player to play HD movies period. Glad yours upconverts for you though.
I signed this petition and the Blue Ray one because I believe all studios should support both formats and let us the consumer decide which one is best.

Sharp making Blue Diodes to help with shortage...

PS3 BD Bluetooth Remote is out

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