Pet adoptions / rescues

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SatelliteGuys Master
Original poster
Jul 8, 2004
Virginia Beach
In the last 10 days we have adopted 2 hermit crabs that my daughter wanted and rescued a flame point siamese kitten that was close to death.

The hermit crabs we got from a store front in the Mall of Georgia complete with a cage and accessories plus food. The larger of the two has a pretty independant atitude and isnt afraid of being picked up, the other is its polar opposite.

The kitten who we havent named yet was a rescue from a college student who from her words she found downtown after leaving a bar dragging itsself across the street. Sara the student was leaving town and her fiance wouldnt let her take it so she posted an add on craigslist and we answered it and met up the following day. From what she told us she had taken the kitten to her vet and she got cleared as healthy but underwieght wich we now know isnt the case but Sara did give us $100 to cover getting her healthy.

Once we got her home she went from shy and quite and flipped out shooting out of my arms into the woods so we spent the next two days trying to catch her. Finally we caught her and once we got her inside we started on giving her two baths over 24 hours to get the grime off of her and to get rid of flea's ( Ivory dish soap works very good at killing flea's) wich at 2.2lbs she had about a dozen on her. After her two baths we found that our little grey kitten with orange ears muzzle and tail is actually white with the orange parts and is as we suspected a flame point siamese.

This morning we took her to the vet and they did all the checks on her giving her a good bill of health except for a coccidia issue wich we are treating her for now. Todays vet bill came out to $142.03 wich isnt bad compared to a past vet bill for another cat that examinations and exrays revealed that she had supposedly swallowed a string and once they had opened her up showed that she had been severly dehydrated and her intestines had acordianed costing us $690.

I'll post pics later
Good luck I have two rescue dogs, Yastrzemski (yaz) and Chester. I compalin about them all the time but they are part of the family.
"Ruby", my American Bull Terrier (aka "pit") was a rescue dog. She's a woos in most respects but can get a bit rough when we're playing. All-in-all a great dog. At one point we had a cat (he adopted us as a kitten!) at the same time but we eventually found him dead in the garage. I don't sense any foul play on the dog's part. They used to "play" together a lot. Kinda miss watching the "rumbles"...

Van - What was your vet bill for the crabs...?
No vet bill for the hermit crabs, a store called Earth bound sells them but I dont know how well they take care of the ones they have as a large one died and it took them two days to find it. For all intents and purposes its one of those worldly trinkets from side street shops type of places with incense and low dollar gem stones like amethyst and rose quartz but for some strange reason they sell hermit crabs. Purchased with an enclosure and all the fixins for $25.

I should add that we have been feeding about 6 stray cats and have been able to catch 2 to take to the humane society and both have good homes now. One of them was the cat that got caught up in the mess with an ex neighbor who was the one who actually trapped him and took him to the humane society but we had spent months working on taming him. In our city there is a problem with students dumping their pets mostly at the end of the school year but it happens over breaks as well and we always see new cats and sometimes dogs show up.
We are on our third rescue dog and she's a sweetheart. Good luck on those hermit crabs. we haven't been able to keep ours alive longer than a week!!
Some of the things I've learned about hermits.

They need to have indoor temps around 72 or better as they come from warm climates.

They dont live in water as people think but are subject to daily rain so a light once a day misting of water is recommended.

Once a week you need to give them a bath with distilled water at room temp only, it can not be tap water with any chlorine in it at all. The bath should be nothing more than holding them underwater for 30 seconds, it cleans them off and replaces stored water they use with their gills.

They cant live underwater even though they have gills.

During the first few days at home its best to leave them alone so that they can calm down, most die from stress related to excessive handling.

Feed them hermit crab food and give them a treat such as fresh fruit once a week.
The vet has concerns about her temperment considering that she's siamese and at 2.2lbs has more spit than cats that are triple her size. She didnt like having one of the asistants try to pick her up and let loose with rapid fire spits and claws of fury and did the same thing with the vet as well. Speaking of vets ours is this short little blond that you would swear isnt any older than 16 to see her and weighs maybe 90lbs soaking wet but she rides a full size harley.

I hope it does work out because she is a nice looking kitten and has been pretty good so far but my concern is with another rescue cat who has established herself as the dominate female siamese in the house. Our first cat we adopted from the humane society down here didnt do well when we brought home her royal highness and actually went after my wife out of anger.

Some of the things I've learned about hermits.

They need to have indoor temps around 72 or better as they come from warm climates.

They dont live in water as people think but are subject to daily rain so a light once a day misting of water is recommended.

Once a week you need to give them a bath with distilled water at room temp only, it can not be tap water with any chlorine in it at all. The bath should be nothing more than holding them underwater for 30 seconds, it cleans them off and replaces stored water they use with their gills.

They cant live underwater even though they have gills.

During the first few days at home its best to leave them alone so that they can calm down, most die from stress related to excessive handling.

Feed them hermit crab food and give them a treat such as fresh fruit once a week.

Hermits are great. That was one of my first pets. Pet stores are notorious for keeping them in awful conditions. I have 8 or 9 right now, but they are marine hermits in my salt water aquarium. This is a picture of Paco, my favorite (eating a snail I had just purchased that day). He has since passed away and his shell has been claimed by Ziggy, the zebra hermit.
She is cute. How is she doing? Looking pretty good.

She's doing good, putting a small bit of weight on now and she's becoming more relaxed though she does have the siamese temperment. With patience she has started playing with toys and has a favorite mouse that she keeps in her second hand dog bed.
One of our two beagles is a rescue dog. His health issues have cost us a lot more that most dogs but I wouldn't trade him for the world.

One of our two beagles is a rescue dog. His health issues have cost us a lot more that most dogs but I wouldn't trade him for the world.


I know what you mean. I took Skye to the vet yesterday and it cost me $380. And that was just her physical and meds!! I hope I get a good chunk back from my pet insurance.
Ouch ouch ouch!

We've gotten lucky since after our first cat Missy ( I didnt pick the name ) though I have to wonder about our fat marshmellow Willow who's getting up around 18lbs Im guessing. She got the nickname for being fat and all white but she moves around like she's half that weight.
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