Personal Computer Game News

The Assassins Creed Unity PC specs have been announced... Quite a doozy, even for minimum specs. My processor is on the Minimum requirements and I'm not sure my video card of 1GB can handle it..

My video card has 2GB of VRAM but it's still below the minimum requirements. I have only ever seen 1 or 2 games where my Radeon 7850 is below the recommended requirements and this is the first time it's been below the minimum. The card I have is supposedly the closest equivalent PC card in terms of performance to the PS4's APU. I bought it before I knew that but I saw several articles use my exact card as an example when talking about the PS4 specs before launch.

I know there are optimization things that can make equivalent hardware perform differently on console and PC but I find it interesting that the minimum GPU is well above the PS4's hardware. I wonder if these requirements will hold up to real world use or if they are overstating them. It was going to be a while before I play Unity if I ever get to it at all with the Fall release schedule. If I do this will definitely be a Gamefly rental instead of a PC purchase with those requirements though.
PR worker for TellTale says that the Game of Thrones game will be released (or at least started) within this year..

It appears as though uPlay has shut down their storefront in their client and is now encouraging people to do what they've been doing since the beginning of time (AKA Buy games through Steam.) A user from /r/pcmasterrace captured this experience:

And when I loaded up my version of the client it updated and then I saw there wasn't even an option to view the web shop. So it looks like perhaps those Ubisoft games disappearing off Steam temporarily was related to this. Of course now this means that uPlay is now relegated to simply being a completely redundant form of DRM.
It appears as though uPlay has shut down their storefront in their client and is now encouraging people to do what they've been doing since the beginning of time (AKA Buy games through Steam.) A user from /r/pcmasterrace captured this experience:

And when I loaded up my version of the client it updated and then I saw there wasn't even an option to view the web shop. So it looks like perhaps those Ubisoft games disappearing off Steam temporarily was related to this. Of course now this means that uPlay is now relegated to simply being a completely redundant form of DRM.

I didn't check it often but uPlay occasionally had some decent deals. There are still plenty of choices but fewer stores competing for our money is not a good thing. Hopefully that means that uPlay will stop being required for new Ubisoft games sometime in the near future though. If they can't make any money off it I'm not sure why they would want to continue the expense of keeping it running when Steam can easily handle their DRM needs.
We can only hope, but if past history has taught us anything is that the PC division of Ubisoft is run by a bunch of mentally challenged chimps..

But here's a company that is smart: 11-bit Studios. Recently they released a game called This War of Mine. As is the case with most games, it ended up on the Pirate Bay. One of the workers found it and posted this:

This game looks really interesting. It's gotten a bunch of praise so far from people I respect. Sadly the asking price is a little steep so I'll wait until a 50% off deal or something higher. Here's a trailer:

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