Here's the deal, recently I moved my 72.5 to from a seperate pole to the pole my Slimline was on. Peaked the signal for the 72.5 at 100 on every transponder, nothing appears to be blocking it etc.
Later that night, turn to my local, and notice I get the not available in your area error message(727). All of my locals give me that error message, on all 3 receivers which are different models. So i call D*, they restart everything, blah blah and an hour later of talking, still not working.
I notice the H20 also says a multiswitch error on the local channels only after the 727 message. I order a new 6x8, just installed it, restarted the receiver, repeated the satellite setup for 5-lnb and the installed 72.5, still no fix.
Any ideas? D* certainly couldn't figure it out, but said a tech might be able to see what it was after $70 and part swapping at my expense.
Thanks so much.
Later that night, turn to my local, and notice I get the not available in your area error message(727). All of my locals give me that error message, on all 3 receivers which are different models. So i call D*, they restart everything, blah blah and an hour later of talking, still not working.
I notice the H20 also says a multiswitch error on the local channels only after the 727 message. I order a new 6x8, just installed it, restarted the receiver, repeated the satellite setup for 5-lnb and the installed 72.5, still no fix.
Any ideas? D* certainly couldn't figure it out, but said a tech might be able to see what it was after $70 and part swapping at my expense.
Thanks so much.