The complaint is absolutely NOT that it went to is that it was put into an extra cost tier.
And I just had another thought: if digital is so good and analog so bad for BHN, why do they charge MORE for the digital. You don't price the area you want people to move to HIGHER. You should price it lower, in order to incentivize people to give up on the other (analog) stuff. No, what you do is price it higher, put all the good stuff in it, and thus FORCE people to sign up in order to see what they want to see.
Don't dare comment on what we do to you...just accept it and shut up.
You just don't get it.... it really doesn't matter to me what BHN does with their TV now. I mean, I only have an Internet connection with them now, so it really doesn't matter to me personally.
I only care from a business perspective. Running a business is like living a healthy life, you have the instinct of survival. Stop the bleeding, shut off analog. It is in my nature to look at a business and think about what they need to do to do better or survive. It is like a film director, picking apart another director's movie. Anybody with a lick of sense can look at BHN and say, "They have got to shut off analog."
Day to day, I see the FIOS trucks installing in my neighborhood. You know what that means, right? BHN is losing another customer. Shut off analog and have the capacity to compete. It is a no brainer. But, they cannot just do that because so many crybabbies are crying about it. Well, like I said, they just need to take the candy from the baby quickly and walk away by turning the whole analog tier off in one shot. Instead, <enter mistake here> they are moving a channel here, channel there, allowing the crowd to get angry over and over again. It is like grounding your kid who has 30 Xbox games. You don't just take away one at a time if your intention is to take them all away eventually anyway. Just take all 30 games away and be done with it. The kid will cry once and throw a fit, and then it will be over with. Take them away one by one and you have to hear the kid cry over and over and over again.
It would make good business sense to just announce the analog shutoff, and announce some/all of the new HD channels that you'll see once the analogs are shut off (like all 40+ available premiums in HD, Fox News HD, etc.). They would focus on all the deliciously "good things to come." "Making room for more HD."
You and I have had this argument before. We are never going to change each others mind. I just don't understand what you are fighting for. You act as if you are on the side of the poverty stricken family and that BHN somehow owes them a solution if they switch to analog. I say BHN has every right to switch it all to digital and not offer that cheaper digital box, but they are throwing a bone to the poor by renting them a cheap box for some of the channels. I would say BHN is going above and beyond for them. They are in business to make money, not make sure that every citizen has TNT and USA in their house for the price of analog cable.
Also, an analog shut off would cut down greatly on piracy. Maybe some of the uproar is being done by people that aren't even paying for cable but are enjoying it. I have known a lot of people over the years that hooked up their own cable or tapped into their neigbor's cable and shared one bill. This is stealing, but is often justified by high cable rates. Turn off analog, turn off a lot of piracy.