Brent, Jim, and all the rest of ya,
I'M VERY HAPPY TO REPORT the S9 has sobered up! All functions are working running on (sorry Jim) 8-8-2011 S9 FW. I can't flash the PS FW right now because the wife is in the BR where the desktop is and the laptop don't have 232.
Now, I was right, starting to doubt myself. It was the 3602...I took it apart and sprayed no less than half a can of tuner cleaner straight under and through the pins of the chip(was not going to do it again!). I then took canned air and done the same thing. The residue left on the board tells the story of what was under it as the cleaner nor the air leave residue.
I then blow dried it directly from the side just as I sprayed it. Came on, booted, dish moving....no pic, hit exit...bam, got a pic.
Not yelling...just marking the important stuff. First don't put beer in your STB, I didn't.
Anyway, at this point I know you can 232 Pansat 9500HDX FW to the S9 and get back to fully functional S9 FW. This was done all on 232 because the box was acting so stupid I couldn't test the PS FW. Whether it works or not I will post later. I'm pooped from working on it. I was trying to be careful and not over heat it or break it trying to fix it.
I was pretty upset to the point I was gonna make'em pay for it even if it did start working! So I flashed it with PS FW...what the hey, right. That was the first life I seen out of it for hours. Great, PS FW don't run so I'll just put S9 in it and be good to go. Wrong!
I have a program to list the blocks of info for the FW and the PS FW main code is at a different address than the S9. I posted about the Megasat HD800 a while back, Jim read it. I flashed that to it too. So it can be flashed to that too and recovered back to S9 FW.
The Megasat FW was flashed right after the PS FW and I got nothing...exactly like the S9 FW. The HD800 has a different boot loader, but at the same address so I figured it would work. I can't wait to see if either function and check out that worthless clock that in my opinion is grounds for a warranty claim because they advertise it and they know it don't work.
We put up with it because it's the best we can do.
There is also a STB called a Tevii B600 that I have seen the inside of...need to go look at it again. I have not found FW for it and I even emailed asking for it with no reply. I also have another program that lists the hardware that the FW is programmed for. The Megasat is the exact same and so is the 9500HDX as far as tuner, CPU etc. This does not report infra red IC etc. so you may end up with a box that works if the remote and front buttons would work.
Either the B600 or the 800 HD (I believe it is 800 HD, not HD800) is so close a match it ain't funny and they have different FW, though I have only seen pics of the B600 FW.
There is a Hibox, Yumy S9 HD (yes, Yumy), and a few other boxes that use S9 FW so they are no good for alternate FW. Tevii.com has the B600 info and google the rest...I think I found all the Megasat info at a seller site...have to look up the old post.
I don't know if this is a good thing or not...But I have not seen dozens of updates for the Megasat or the Tevii box meaning support sucks or they don't need'em! Wouldn't that be nice...don't care because you don't need'em!
Anyway, these are pretty tough little boxes when it comes down to it. Sure do wish they'd cop to a hardware screw up and publish a fix for it, assuming it could be done.
Wow, thought it was pixelating bad...storms on the HD weather map!!! HAHAHA
All in all it was worth it...would've been more fun without the stress of the beer!