Panasonic DMP-BD35 and DMP-BD55

Wireless internet, a Web browser, ability to stream Netflix/Hulu/You Tube and others with PlayOn software, media streaming from your PC, and a 80GB hard drive to store music, photos, video, and other downloadable content.

Thanks for listing those items

Wireless don't need it as the cabling is already there.
Tivo allows me to view all my pictures/videos from my PC w/ 1 TBs worth of room including youtube/online music and a variety of other items. So my laptop w/ my wireless system is just a better concept to me. So it looks like for me that the Panny is a better unit for my needs.
Nope, so it looks like I'll be getting the CFO and CEO to let me get an early XMAS gift. I know if I wait the price will come down but really how much can we expect w/ the 30 running at 299?

If the sub output is low and I can't adjust it up on the player itself can't I just use the onscreen adjustments on the Denon AVR3300 to make up for the distance?

If your Denon allows you to make all the adjustment....speaker size +-dB setting make it on your reciever and dont worry about the setting on the player.
IIRC on my Sony 5300 I can set speaker size, EQ and relative levels individually (in pairs for the fronts, surrounds, and SBs) and those settings apply for all sources EXCEPT the 7.1 analog inputs. There, IIRC, the only adjustment I have is the +10dB LFE boost. I would have to make all the other adjustments in the source BD or SACD players, only 1 of which can use the inputs at a time (so in my case I connected the SACD player's 5.1 analog outputs and instead bitstream from the BDP). Are other receivers configured like this?
IIRC on my Sony 5300 I can set speaker size, EQ and relative levels individually (in pairs for the fronts, surrounds, and SBs) and those settings apply for all sources EXCEPT the 7.1 analog inputs. There, IIRC, the only adjustment I have is the +10dB LFE boost. I would have to make all the other adjustments in the source BD or SACD players, only 1 of which can use the inputs at a time (so in my case I connected the SACD player's 5.1 analog outputs and instead bitstream from the BDP). Are other receivers configured like this?

My Marantz AV8500 allows me to make all the adjustments (speaker size + or- boost for each individual channel input including LFE) for digi as well as the 7.1 analog inputs.

So I guess it just depends on the options on ones receiver
Okay I finally joined the Blu-Ray game and got the Panny 55 last night. I was taking it through its paces last night. I have it hooked up to a Denon AVR 3300 using analog 5.1 inputs and the component video directly to my Mitsubishi WS-55711.

When I was going through the setup it gave me the option to change the output settings from 480p-1080i. I changed it to 1080i and then it scrambled the screen. SD DVD's played just fine but the blu-ray disc I purchased didn't work video wise, I could only hear it. I assume the player will only output what the TV can handle? I see the TV display a 480p w/ SD DVD's but nothing w/ the blu-ray, but the clarity of the picture says it all….Dam it looks great after changing a few settings on the player and tv video wise. TV is set at 6500k, video set to film, and the contrast set just below middle.

Do the delay settings on the Panny using EXT inputs on the Denon override the AVR's delay and gain settings? If I need to increase the gain on the sub would I use the onscreen menu or just use the tone setting (although that changes it for all other music as well) or does my AVR 330 not have a separate bass control for multi-channel input? Page 43 & 44 of the manual just aren't clear

I assume that via component video that 480p is the reso that I should expect for SD DVD's then?

No lighted remote kinda sucks….

Anyone know where I can get the SD card cheap!

What DVD (Avia?) would you recommend to calibrate my Mitsubishi WS-55711 now that I have blue ray?
When I was going through the setup it gave me the option to change the output settings from 480p-1080i. I changed it to 1080i and then it scrambled the screen. SD DVD's played just fine but the blu-ray disc I purchased didn't work video wise, I could only hear it. I assume the player will only output what the TV can handle? I see the TV display a 480p w/ SD DVD's but nothing w/ the blu-ray, but the clarity of the picture says it all….Dam it looks great after changing a few settings on the player and tv video wise. TV is set at 6500k, video set to film, and the contrast set just below middle.

I sent you a PM over at AVS. Check your component inputs. You should be using the ones all the way to the right. They say someting like DTV 480i/480p/1080i. The two sets by the VGA port only accept 480i/p.

Get the DVE HD Basics

[ame=""] Digital Video Essentials: HD Basics [Blu-ray]: Joe?@@AMEPARAM@@[/ame]

I don't know if other BD players can do the same, but one interesting thing I noticed with the Panasonic is that it can fast-forward with sound. If you press Fast Forward button once, the movie will speed up, but you can still hear the soundtrack. Not sure why would anyone do that to a movie, but I can see a benefit, say, when watching an instructional video.
Make sure you have time to start and finish. It takes a while.


Will do...looks like if I get it in time for this weekend I'll have plenty of time as the weather is going south.......

I don't know if other BD players can do the same, but one interesting thing I noticed with the Panasonic is that it can fast-forward with sound. If you press Fast Forward button once, the movie will speed up, but you can still hear the soundtrack. Not sure why would anyone do that to a movie, but I can see a benefit, say, when watching an instructional video.

I noticed that too last night....not sure it's a major factor in convincing anyone about the 55 but.....
Anyone know where I can get the SD card cheap!
I usually buy flash media at a local MicroCenter store.
They sell them by the pound at the cash register.
Just picked up an 8GB (Class 6) SDHC for $14.99.
Perhaps you can find a better deal on-line, but this was good enough for me.
I am leaning towards the 55 because I do not have HDMI on my audio receiver. It does have 5.1 analog inputs. Is the extra audio available worth the extra 100 dollars vs the 35.
I'd say yes, it's worth it! I did some back-to-backs on my HD-A1 last year.
The difference is very impressive. Even DD+ (over analog cables) is way better than DD.
So, if you are not planning on getting HDMI-capable receiver any time soon, definitly go with the BD55.
A new firmware update has been released for Panasonic DMP-BD35. Version 1.5. Downloading it now...
Can't find anything about it at Panasonic's web site.
Download complete...

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