Panasonic BD30 Firmware 2.3

What a joke how in the hell would grandma six pack keep up with all these firmware updates.

And HD-DVD hasn't had it's share of updates? At least they work. Toshiba never did fix the jaggies introduced with 24p on the Gen 3's. One reason I still run 1.3. 60 still doesn't work correctly. Just look at Allargon's posts, also.

Quit trolling.

What a joke how in the hell would grandma six pack keep up with all these firmware updates.

My 86-year-young g-ma 6PK is still perfectly happy with her VCR. Won't even touch a DVD player or DVR, though she records everything she watches. Most members of that generation will never adapt to the latest technologies...and certainly won't find things like downloads a more user-friendly experience.
Toshiba never did fix the jaggies introduced with 24p on the Gen 3's.

Quit trolling.

What a stupid thing to say!!! The format ended shortly thereafter or didn't you relize that. News flash that usually means WE DON'T SUPPORT THE DAMM THING ANYMORE!!!! This culture of hiding BD flaws is sickning.

PS: I saved my 666 post for TechSack
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Ummmm there have been two major updates since the format folded. And News flash.... I've had HDDVD since the beginning. I've had no problem addressing either camp and their nonsensical posts. Go back and read 2 1/2 years worth of my posts.

The point is, you ignore HDDVD's flaws and patterns of frequent updates. You don't know what these updates are for and who they effect. Just so you are enlightened, this update addresses a 24p issue involving a few of Paramount's recent releases. So Joe6p and his 1080i/p DLP, 720p plasma, and 768 LCD aren't even affected.

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You have been unbias for the most part, but to blame HD DVD for not continuing to support a dead format just didn't make since. My orginal post in this thread was basicly saying firmware for BD to fix never ending issues that come out every 10 movies released is crazy. I don't recall HD DVD having that issue. I updated it to 1.3 right out of the box and it has played every disk SD or HD flawless ever since. J6P is not use to firmware updates on their disk player so if it is a must maybe once like my experience, but this every few weeks is not do able. I don't need to be enlightened about why each firmware has to be released, its becoming white noise.

What ever happened to QA.
This is not the war zone and I will not take it there. HDDVD followed the same pattern of updates to address playability issues. At least Panasonic addresses issues.

This update is not needed by J6P. THis update is not needed because of discs from Blu-ray studios Disney, Sony, Fox. It is neede because of convert Paramount after HD-DVD's demise.

To compare HD DVD's ratio of firmware updates to BD is a big time losing battle I would think you would know that. As far as your warzone statement scroll up and see who introduced Toshiba and HD DVD into this thread!! Clue you look at him everyday in the mirror.
I may have been the first to openly state it, but you are the one who insinuated. Sorry, the amount of firmware updates between the formats has been about the same, especially for the Gen 1 and 2 players. Gen 3 players have had at least 5, and 1080p/60 still doesn't work correctly. I stayed with 1.3 on my Gen 3 to avoid the jaggies introduced with 1.4, and not addressed in the latter releases upto 3.0 (which came after HD-DVDs demise). My BD10 has had only 1 update in the past year to address newcomer Universals "Mummy". My BD30 has had six, counting the double dip 2.3/2.4. My XA2 has had more than that. I would rather deal with a company that addresses issues immediately, than wait a month, two, or never (and that includes BD manufacturers).

New to the forum,but Iam having problem burning the fimware updates using Vista.Can do it using xp but not vista when I go to burn it it runs for about 15 seconds then stops. Can anybody help with this?

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