It is now obvious that Dish has screwed something up in there network since the June 3rd changes. Ever since then, whenever someone makes a change to there programming, it removes Encore HD completely. It is not an individual problem, it is a systems problem.
Those who've lost Encore, what Sat did you have it from, 129, 61.5 or 72.7? Looking at possible theory.
And I didn't change anything and kept Platinum, and I still have EncoreHD on 340 and I'm EA too.Cant remember off hand what Sat Encore HD was on. I am on the EA so it will either be 61.5 or 72.7.
And I didn't change anything and kept Platinum, and I still have EncoreHD on 340 and I'm EA too.
I would agree with HALF that statement as Encore HD is apart of the AT250 package and anyone with that package should get it. It's clearly stated on Dishes web site.
So if you have that package and you are not receiving it I would call tech supp and let them know.
Cant remember off hand what Sat Encore HD was on. I am on the EA so it will either be 61.5 or 72.7.
Just talked to a customer rep about HD Theater and Encore HD she said they were unable to turn them back on manually. She said it was a local problem and they should be back on in a couple of days.
Well maybe you need AT 250 and Platinum to get Encore HD.
I have AT 250 and Platinum and i no longer have Encore HD....whats up with that. I did not change any of my programming other than adding locals. I happened to check today after reading these post and its gone. I am on EA
After talking with tech support, they stated that you must have the starz package to get this channel. Since i already had hbo and cinemax, i swapped over to the Americas Everything Pack. Once i did that, Encore HD did show back up.
Yes I am missing Encore HD also, I went from WA to EA today to get my locals and now Encore HD is an upgrade. I have 250 and platinum