Overly aggressive D* sales

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Company that handles Bestbuy and Sam's Club is smart circle and that is all I will say as my mommy told me if I could not say anything nice that I should not say anything at all.
Probably explains how they sell multiple ser-vices. Worst Buy is a E* free zone though. Sear's and Rad-io Shaft has that handled.

Those people don't work for BB, they work for a small contractor and I'm sure they ARE commissioned.
They also don't work for D*.
When a D* sales rep comes up to me at BB, I tell them I have been a D* subscriber sense 98. I tell them the equipment and package I have and am happy having D*. The sales rep usually tells me "thanks for being a loyal Directv customer" and will leave me alone.

As for the OP returning, I doubt it because by his previous posts, it appears that he is a E* sub.

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Actually, it isn't. Best Buy doesn't pay their people commission.

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That's true, they don't PAY them commission. But they still WORK on commission. The amount of hours they get scheduled in a week is directly tied to the amount of sales they made and the amount of add-ons (extended warranties, high-markup accessories like Monster HDMI cables, credit card applications, etc) they sell in the previous week. Them telling you "We don't get paid commission" is just to put you off guard. They NEED to sell you crap otherwise they lose hours the following week. I know people who work there.
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They sound like the panhandlers out in front of Wally World or the people that want you to sign petitions out in front of all the markets.:coffee

Except these people are allowed to be inside !

I have talked with a few, most don't know much about D*, just what they are told or read from thier scripts.
They are just there to get sales.
The next time I get ambushed by a D* sales person at BB who won't leave me alone it will get ugly! Do they really get sales that way? I haven't ever experienced such pushy people in my life!

I had to say NO, NO, NO get the heck out of my face last weekend, very embarrassing. One of the BB staff came over afterwards and said the store staff have a wager on how many days till the D* sales rep is punched out. :eek:

and that HH gregg place or whatever its called is even worse when it comes to people chasing potential customers.not an impressive store either.
Why not? I stand by my comments they are a bunch of pushy arses.... Regardless who they work for they are trying to push DirectTV and it's ridiculous.
When a D* sales rep comes up to me at BB, I tell them I have been a D* subscriber sense 98. I tell them the equipment and package I have and am happy having D*. The sales rep usually tells me "thanks for being a loyal Directv customer" and will leave me alone.

As for the OP returning, I doubt it because by his previous posts, it appears that he is a E* sub.

Sent from my HTC EVO using SatelliteGuys

Irregardless what service I have, these reps are horrible....
I purposely screw with the Directv sales people at Sams club and tell them I have DISH Network. They somehow think they can convert me over and actually start bad mouthing Dish to try to get me to switch.

I actually sold a system to one of Sams club customers who was sitting at the booth looking at Directv literature :)
Why not? I stand by my comments they are a bunch of pushy arses.... Regardless who they work for they are trying to push DirectTV and it's ridiculous.

That may well be, but what do you expect in a place where they sell stuff?
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