Overall Impressions of CES 2011


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Supporting Founder
Dec 14, 2003
I spent the past two days at CES. Day 1 was hangin' with Scott and the GREAT staff. Day two was going wild through the aisles on my own.

I'm a quasi-techie, more of an advanced user, not Sat expert like the staff, but here are some overall thoughts on CES:

- 3DTV. It's cool, its interesting, but I'll wait for a couple more generations before buying (investing). Obviously, 3DTV is the next big thing in Televsion. The companies have built everything they can on standard TVs now they need a new reason forus to buy more units. Since most (largest part of the market) bought their flat panels in the past 2-3 years, it will be a while before they are ready to replace them. They need another hook (3DTV) to get us to buy more. I saw active, passive, and glassesless 3DTV at the show. Candidly it was way cool, but in many cases it tended to pop in and out (like the old 3D Art stuff). My wife tried it as well, and said it best. "It looks interesting, but my eyes have to work so much it turns TV watching into a job".......which is what she doesn't want to do.

- Integration of TV and the web. This, of course, is the other big push. Video streaming from various systems is way cool. I think that this part of the market will grow big-time over the coming months/years. However, there is also the push to browse the web through your TV, while still watching the program (eg. watch tv program and surf the web on the TV at the same time). While this initially seems cool and may work for single viewers or home offices, It isn't much value for families. Many times my wife and I compute on our notebooks in the family room while watching TV. Rarely would I see us wanting to look at the same Internet site while watching TV. For us, neat gimick, little real value at this point.

- Dish/Sling: I was really impressed with the Dish/Sling 300 that was the one new product displayed this year. It will be interesting to see how it actually works in the wild. It should be noted that Dish and Sling are truly joined at the hip. That was evident in everything in and around their adjacent booths. Dish is betting a lot on Sling.

-Tablet Computing is the non-video product de-jour. Everyone is gunning to take out the IPad.... I think that some are about ready to do so.

-Accessories: I was surprised at tremendous number of compnies pushing their cases, portfolios, screen protectors and other accessories, primarily for the IPhone. They must all get a big grin on their faces when a new model comes out with a slightly different form-factor. The trick is to not be the guy with a warehouse of stock at change-over time.

- CES Itself: WOW, just WOW. I spent two days there. To give you an idea of the size, I took a pedometer walked 9 miles on Thursday and 11 on Friday. (Thursday was shorter because we spent most of the morning hangin' around the Dish/Sling area.) I only covered the 3 main buldings, and there were parts of those that I didn't see. There were several other venues that I didn't try to get to.

- SatGuys Team: You've got a great team with Scott and the SatGuys staff on-site, with others at home sorting through the press releases and other dribble. Figuring out what is the latest thing happening in the Central building, while being in the South building is about impossible. However, Scott knows all the products and all of the key players in the market. The other staff members work hard to figure out how to capture the information and get it out to you. It's a great team!! I was thrilled to hang with them for a day or so. Scott was an excellent host! I'll be honored to be your Chauffeur, Roadie, and Hand Model (next time I'll get a manicure).

Headin' back to Texas. Safe Travels All!
Thanks for your help Scott!

As you learned CES is a lot of Hurry up and Wait. Too much wait this year as CES was the most packed I have seen it in YEARS!

I was lucky I got to speak to a number of folks from a few companies off the record, they were able to open up to me because they knew who I was which was really cool. I must say I am REALLY excited about the future of the Boxee Box. That is going to be a huge player in the merging of the Internet and television.

Safe travels to all and THANK YOU to ScotterS (Scott), Dfergie (Don), Ramy (Brian) and HokieEngineer (Rich) for flying in on their own dime and helping us out! I have a lot of CES stuff still to post but have found it almost impossible due to the internet out here. Even my 4G Sprint card was useless on this trip. Uploading just 5 pictures took over 25 minutes! And this year we shot a lot of video. So stay tuned into next week as we post more from CES.

Thank you again for making us the Internet's Most Popular and Trusted Satellite Discussion Forum!
Scooter, glad you had fun, and a good recap. I've been to CES twice and it absolutely amazed me how big it was. You're right about the guys making cases and stuff, this is their most important day of the year, when the manufactueres sell to the companies that will sell their stuff under their own brand.
Great overview/recap of CES .... I am disappointed from what I heard/read. I knew 3D would saturate CES, but I didn't hear about anything else that was exciting. Considering I cannot watch 3D due to my lazy eye condition, I could care less about it.

Scott G. and everyone else here who went thanks for the reports and pictures :-)
We appreciated ScooterS help, it was nice to meet him and his wife... he played traffic cop for us while filming Thursday, we were all exhausted by the end of that day, (try packing a side bag with accessories including a netbook plus a large HD Cam thru a wall of people all day with a cold coming on ;) ) ,
-Tablet Computing is the non-video product de-jour. Everyone is gunning to take out the IPad.... I think that some are about ready to do so.

While I didn't spend too much time with the tablets, I recognized that there are quite a few out there hoping to get a piece of the action. No one I spoke with claimed they want to kill the iPAD, rather they recognize that the iPAD has paved the way for them to grab some of this action / interest in a more convenient way to consume content. BUT, I did see a device that may give iPAD 1 a good run for the money and that was the new Motorola device which was extremely fast. Will it ruin ipad sales? I doubt it. More likely it will kill the Galaxy Tab!

The show itself was the largest ever. 2007 had the title in 2007 at 143,000. Shapiro claimed this year will exceed that but he won't know how much for a week or so after they crunch the numbers on badge holders released. They don't go by number registered, only badges picked up. Today was a real relief and I was able to get into most demos with no lines. :)

I concentrated my efforts mostly on the 3D front projectors and in this respect the trip was a success.

Internet connectivity was real bad this year with hotel wifi but my 3G Verizon worked flawlessly all week. I used the new 5Spot which I learned at the Verizon booth is world wide compatible. Also, I will be able to upgrade to a similar LTE device in 6 months but those will not be world wide compatible, only work in the USA even for 3G service.

Biggest surprise for me was the number of 3D front projectors to be released in the next few months and the new Sony 3D camcorder which operates at full resolution and has a small AMOLED screen that is Glasses-free camcorder monitor.

AS expected, there was a huge selection of iPAD accessories available.
I just can't get too excited about 3D. It works in short doses at an IMAX theater, but I can't imagine dealing with the limitations in my family room (don't even talk to me until we can ditch the glasses... and what happens if you are watching the screen from 25 degrees off of center like many do at a party for something like the Super Bowl?
Made it back Saturday very, very, late. Thanks for all of the positive comments!

I just saw that Boxee Box tried to do an update today and it got pulled due to multiple software bugs. I hear that users are totally pi..... errr disquieted.
and what happens if you are watching the screen from 25 degrees off of center like many do at a party for something like the Super Bowl?

With passive glasses or glasses free you will lose depth of the 3D effect, as you deviate from the sweet spot. Larger the screen the larger the sweet spot. With active glasses it is good from the sides, same as from center. No real sweet spot other than with a normal 2D viewing comfort.

3D is a gimmick, an effect, a form of entertainment that goes with and adds to the story. I liken it to DBOX which is also an effect, a gimmick, that adds motion to your movie. 3D is catching on and is being promoted much more than DBOX but both add to the entertainment experience. The reason is that 3D is more popular in theaters across the land than motion seating which is about only experienced in Disney theme parks theaters. Contrary to the myth that 3D is not popular, Regal's last quarterly report indicated their profits had risen 833% due to the additional ticket price as a result of offering 3D with glasses movies. WE have 3 IMAX theaters in the area and only 2 are 3D. I just read in today's paper that the 3rd IMAX theater is converting it's screen and projectors to 3D. The speculation that 3D is a passing fad is a myth.

Personally, I don't care for 3D on the small screen like the 55" panels ( LCD/LED and Plasma) that are so popular. In the theater, I am not all that impressed with standard 3D screens, but the experience of IMAX 3D in the theater is very entertaining to us and that is why we have decided to spend a bit more to get a large front projection 3D system with active glasses. Not because everything we will watch now will be 3D but when a movie is out in 3D we will get that IMAX 3D experience at home.

What to Expect from Google at the 2011 CES

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