I'm holding my PVR 508 at firmware release P301 until I hear they've fixed what they've broken.
The current version is P304 , I believe.
Has it gotten any worse? Well, it sure hasn't gotten any better!
I can't recall when the bugs started showing up.
Might have been with P300, but prior to that, it seemed fine.
In a long-ago Tech Chat or Charlie Chat, they promised Name Based Recording for the 501/508/510 by Xmas of 2004.
People tend to remember only the most recent promises... like Xmas 2005.
I've used a 522. I'm not sure if I want the first 10 versions of that upgrade!

The current version is P304 , I believe.
Has it gotten any worse? Well, it sure hasn't gotten any better!
I can't recall when the bugs started showing up.
Might have been with P300, but prior to that, it seemed fine.
In a long-ago Tech Chat or Charlie Chat, they promised Name Based Recording for the 501/508/510 by Xmas of 2004.
People tend to remember only the most recent promises... like Xmas 2005.
I've used a 522. I'm not sure if I want the first 10 versions of that upgrade!