It's a valid format for HD. However, even a full 1920X1080i at a lower bit rate will look WORSE than 1440X1080i at a higher bit rate. "HD Lite" can be a good compromise if at a sufficient bit rate. Further, Sat cos and cable cos can have hadware and software in the STB's (receiver boxes) that can make-up for any changes in color pallete, etc. or any other loss due to its transmission in lower resolution or reduced luminence or reduced chromanance data in the stream. In other words, HD Lite can look nearly as good as 1920X1080i with the right hardware and software. Some of the latest STB's with the latest in processing tech can restore to a very high degree and increase PQ without anything changing from the transmission process. Resolution aint what it is all aboutm necessarily; bit rate can affect PQ far more than we think, along with the processing from the STB before it is spit out to our TV's. FWIW, many OTA main channels have PQ at least as bad as MVPD's transmitting less than full resolution because those OTA's now have 3 or 4 sub-channels that take a terrible toll on the main channel. Sometimes far more sub-channels (like 10 or 12+, yes we have that here in LA) can be acheived by using a competitor's RF channel that is down-mapped to another broadacaster's virtual channel.