Our city is on fire!!

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Watch this amazing time lapse of the fire yesterday...

Time lapse of the Waldo Canyon Fire on June 26th beginning around 5:00pm and ending around 3:00am on June 27th. You can see the fire make it through the Mountain Shadows neighborhood.

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Eyewitness video of evacuation and fire..... (Raw video)

You'll need to enlarge to fullscreen

If you didn't know better, you would think it's a sunset. 06/26/12

So many, amazing, yet tragic, pictures......
Video from within the fire zone -


Fantastic and dangerous job being done by all the firefighters!

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Latest info -

18,500 acres burned, 10% containment, 346 (confirmed) homes lost. ZERO lives lost, ZERO injuries. BUT... around 5 people arrested for looting(!)

Photos: Before and after views of neighborhood burned by Waldo Canyon fire - The Denver Post

Westside of city (32,000 people) still evacuated and 4 towns up the pass still evacuated.

Evacuation Map

And the latest, people are going door-to-door scamming people for donations, and someone calling from New Mexico asking (scamming) for donations..................

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The strangest most ironic thing that I noticed when viewing the neighborhoods affected by the fire is that the sky view shows blocks of burned down houses,but almost each house has a green tree next to it. It seems like the houses are gone,but the trees are untouched.
Please watch in full screen and in HD if at all possible! This is intended to be viewed full screen on monitors and screens with a 16:10 aspect ratio.

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Well, they have found 1 person in the rubble of a house so far, no more details. Only casualty of this devastating fire, so far.

Two people arrested for trying to sell stolen items from evacuated areas. More than 66 vehicles broken in to at area hotels/motels where evacuees are staying. It's just sickeningly incredible that people stoop this low. AND LISTEN TO THIS - Multiple homes in the Mandatory Evacuated areas have been found to have been burglarized while the homeowners were gone!

Some people allowed to return to small section of evacuated areas today.

President visited today, gave approval for Federal Disaster Funds to be used.

Fire still burning, only 15% containment. Still close to houses up near Air Force Academy, and only 2 miles east of Woodland Park, otherwise it is in the forest. They are trying to get a better handle on it today, but the winds are really kicking up.

People in 4 communities up Ute Pass STILL evacuated going on 7 days now......

Any benevolent souls out there who feel like lending a helping hand..

How You Can Help -

Pikes Peak United Way
In collaboration with the El Pomar Foundation, a Waldo Canyon Fire Victim Assistance Fund has been established. Click here and donate!

Care And Share Food Bank
Firefighters need new towels, juice boxes, socks, fruit cups, snacks. You can donate Thursday, Friday and Saturday: 7am-6pm, Sunday, July 1: 12pm-7pm, Monday and Tuesday: 7am-6pm. They will answer questions by phone starting at 5am at 719-528-1247.

Penrose Equestrian Center
If you're experienced working with large animals, call 719-520-7773.

Red Cross
Donate or become a volunteer at American Red Cross.

Salvation Army
Donate or become a volunteer at The Salvation Army Intermountain Division: Home.

Help Colorado Now (for ALL Colorado fire assistance)

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The strangest most ironic thing that I noticed when viewing the neighborhoods affected by the fire is that the sky view shows blocks of burned down houses,but almost each house has a green tree next to it. It seems like the houses are gone,but the trees are untouched.

Not as surprising as you think. Given where it is, you can bet that every house had an irrigation system attached and was running at high capacity during the drought. Those trees were well watered. The houses on the other hand all had composition roofs. At least the shake fad is over. Houses up in the mountain communities know the dangers and tend to have fiberglass, tile or metal roofs, but this was likely considered a safe area since it was within the city and there was a reasonable expectation that new subdivisions would soon protect them on the west. The roofs and open decks were the most flammable things in the fire's path.
Not as surprising as you think. Given where it is, you can bet that every house had an irrigation system attached and was running at high capacity during the drought. Those trees were well watered.

Excellent point, whereas those exact same pines and scrub oak just up the beautiful hill were dry as tindersticks. And those embers flew.................
IN an update of the past few days -

Another body was found in the rubble in the same house as the first. One can only assume an elderly couple. STILL, only 2 deaths, no injuries in all of this.

Fire was at 35%, then 45%, and NOW 55% containment. They have contained it near houses and it is mostly burning in all forested area, but still close to an important reservoir. Rampart Range for those that know the area.

Most evacuated people now allowed back in their homes, some after 7 days away. The worst hit area with the fires is still evacuated, but people were allowed to go back and see what was left for a short time today.

Still lots of smoke today ad the firefighters are burning interior islands that are left, so as not to have any fuel to spark up.
Read an article about evacuees retuning to their homes to find their home was still there, but looters had trashed the place. To go through the emotions about whether or not you still have a home & return to a looted place is just sickening. Those responsible need to be dropped in the middle of the fire storm.
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