I just put this antenna up yesterday it is huge, I got it new in the box for 50 bucks. I don't have a pre amp or dist. amp? on it. I am pulling in the same 7 channels I did with the cheap little one I had. Granted 4 of the channels are at 100 now but the others still stay around 75 to 80. I was hoping to pull in some more channels with this beast. I live in Loves Park, IL, Rockford is my locals and was hoping to pull in madison, Wi. I have seen people on forums saying they are doing this with no issues, am I doing something wrong or was my aspirations way out of line. This is mast mounted on a single story house, I thought for sure my hometown locals would at least all be 100 and possibly pull in the madison ones as well. Do I need anything other than the antenna? I don't really want to bother with a rotor if I don't have to. Any help would be greatly appreciated.