OTA UHF weirdness


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Sep 9, 2003
Part of my fun chores this weekend was attaching a support tripod to my large directional antenna on the roof. Looks and works better than guy wires. I'm ready for the snows of Denver! :)

Anyway, it reminded me of a particular annoyance. With the Big Antenna, my VHF channels are great and my UHF channels are stronger than ever except for Channel 20. That one channel has a very jerky picture. I rotated the antenna to try to capture it more directly; no joy.

For comparison, when I plug in rabbit ears, I get 20 just fine, although the signal's just a little weak. No jerking around. I lose some of the fainter UHF channels that way (such as my MTV2 affiliate), but 20's at least okay.

My poor reception of this one channel, the UPN and MLB channel in town, prevents me from considering dropping my E* locals. :(

Anybody more experience with OTA have any idea why this one channel comes in so weird, and how I could fix it? Any good way to incorporate a separate antenna just for 20?
Yes, it's nearby but a few degrees south according to the antenna site. I see the same problem whether I try to point at Channel 20 or at the cluster containing most of the other broadcast antennae.
Are we talking about the analog channels? If you watch it (channel 20) alot you may want to consider trying an indoor antenna perhaps adding an amp if needed that you may need to tweak for that station (I know that is a pain and like a step backwards but it may solve your problem).
You don't say what you are using for an antenna but my guess is you are picking up a reflected signal that is interfering with your main signal on 20. When you use rabbit ears the reflected signal is weaker so the interference is not visible.
On analog TV it is called a ghost, on digital it is inteference either is very hard to eliminate. A very directional antenna with good side lobe rejection is one way. Another way would be to try a smaller antenna to capture less signal and less inteference. More than likely the secondary signal on ch 20 is being reflected by some building, water tower, etc the fact that your broadcast tower is at a slightly different location can account for a different signal path from your other broadcasters.

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