OTA Signals Abruptly Gone


New Member
Original poster
Aug 22, 2005
Any reason why my OTA signals would have suddenly stopped coming in? They worked just fine the last time I looked (maybe a couple of weeks ago). When I tried them over the weekend all I got was the message: No Signal Available on Channel X/Y/Z. Please try again later.
Welcome to the forum, dealco!

There might be several possible reasons:

1. The weather conditions have changed and the signal went down (unlikely, if you lost more than one channel).
2. Antenna has moved (e.g. due to wind)
3. One of the connections got loose.
4. Power supply (if you have one) stopped working.

Check the OTA signal quality on each channel. See if the signal is gone completely or is it just low (below 80). To check the signal quality for a channel, switch to that channel and then press "Help", "Info", "OK" and then PgDn a couple of times until you see Off Air readings.

Good luck!

Happened to one of my boxes a couple of weeks ago. Lost everything, but signal power/quality still showed good. Thought that box had gone bad, but then it occurred to me to try a soft re-boot. Everything came back as before. Thank you - thank you. Dealco, if you don't know what a soft re-boot is - just press in the power button for a few seconds, and the orange lights will start to flash. When they stop, then the unit will restart, and hopefully you will be back in business. Good luck.


No Power up?
