I have used a small 6 x 12 inch amplified antenna. It was a GE Futura TV24769. It worked sort of OK when mounted outside but not very well when used inside. The transmitters were 25 miles or so away. I used this as a backup while I was doing some remodelling. Afterwards I remounted the larger antenna. A small antenna like this can be easily mounted at roof level from the eave. A larger antenna, can also be mounted just above the roof via an eave. Most stores will take back an antenna if it isn't doing the job for you. Just be careful not to damage it when trying it out. To mount from an eave, you need a short mast, a wall/eave bracket mount, and the antenna. The mast and mount are available at most home improvement stores as well as Radio Shack. Have you asked your landlord if you can attach an antenna to the eave at roof level?