OTA Module 722k

Never was free. Anyone that got it free got really lucky.
What, you think I'm lying? You clearly don't know what you are talking about. :rolleyes:

I not only got the 722k with the FREE OTA module, they did not extend my commitment. (July 2009.)

PS When E* replaced my 110/119/61.5 two dish setup with an Eastern Arc antenna, that was for FREE also. (May 2010.)
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What, you think I'm lying? You clearly don't know what you are talking about. :rolleyes:

I not only got the 722k with the FREE OTA module, they did not extend my commitment. (July 2009.)

PS When E* replaced my 110/119/61.5 two dish setup with an Eastern Arc antenna, that was for FREE also. (May 2010.)

No I'm saying you are LUCKY. See I can use big font too. :D
No I'm saying you are LUCKY. See I can use big font too. :D

There are others that have reported the same experience. Also, there are those that insist that it is not possible to guarantee that a 722k versus a 622 or 722 will be sent. Well, I'm here to tell you that they could in July of last year as mine was shipped to me with the separate OTA module.

Lucky ol' me. :rolleyes:
Can somebody verify me that on a 222k with the OTA module both TV1 and TV2 tune separately to OTA channels just like the 722k has been said here does?
Also, there are those that insist that it is not possible to guarantee that a 722k versus a 622 or 722 will be sent. Well, I'm here to tell you that they could in July of last year as mine was shipped to me with the separate OTA module.
Lucky ol' me. :rolleyes:

I was told I would get a 722k when upgrading to HD but they sent a 622 because they were out of the 722k. When I complained to Dish I was told they could not guarantee which type of receiver I would get.

After complaining about problems with the 622 and the replacement 622 they sent, they finally switched me to a 722k (without the OTA module). I guess I should have complained about losing OTA. Maybe they would have given me an OTA module for free.

I ended up buying my own OTA module from solidsignal.com for $30. Now I just need to remember to swap it out when this receiver flakes out.
Charging for the OTA Module!?

Hi All,

I spent nearly 30 mins with customer service voicing my displeasure that I went with DISH in a large part because of my past experience with the 622 (4 yrs) and the direct input of a RF cable for free OTA integration into the box but now they are asking me to pay $50!!?

I told them that was totally unacceptable, the best they would apparently do was $35 shipped. There was no where in any of literature that I found indicating that there is/was a separate charge for this function, this is correct is it not?

Moreover, if I understand this correctly, I do not own the 722k right? It is leased? Yet I have to buy a component for the 722k, which I understand is potentially problematic to begin with, how does that even make sense?

Now with the FOX issue, and the looming NBA season and lack of possible Laker home games, I'm absolutely pissed. A problem is we have a service plan that has another 18 months on it.

I'm considering issuing letters first, certified, to their customer service department cc'ing their legal depart and going that route now. Allow them to be the unresponsive party and if the problems continue, I will cancel and refuse to pay the early termination fee, citing my prior correspondences. Does anyone have any other suggestions?

Soon to be former E* subscriber
Hi All,

I spent nearly 30 mins with customer service voicing my displeasure that I went with DISH in a large part because of my past experience with the 622 (4 yrs) and the direct input of a RF cable for free OTA integration into the box but now they are asking me to pay $50!!?

I told them that was totally unacceptable, the best they would apparently do was $35 shipped. There was no where in any of literature that I found indicating that there is/was a separate charge for this function, this is correct is it not?

Moreover, if I understand this correctly, I do not own the 722k right? It is leased? Yet I have to buy a component for the 722k, which I understand is potentially problematic to begin with, how does that even make sense?

Now with the FOX issue, and the looming NBA season and lack of possible Laker home games, I'm absolutely pissed. A problem is we have a service plan that has another 18 months on it.

I'm considering issuing letters first, certified, to their customer service department cc'ing their legal depart and going that route now. Allow them to be the unresponsive party and if the problems continue, I will cancel and refuse to pay the early termination fee, citing my prior correspondences. Does anyone have any other suggestions?

Soon to be former E* subscriber

1. Re 722K. Do you're homework. Like on these forums.
2. Good luck with that letter strategy.
FWIW, when I got my 722K, they guaranteed it to me if I bought the OTA module. I took the deal. And they gave me the 722K for free... But, not the OTA module.
And when I got mine in July 2009, the 722k and the OTA Module were free - no commitment. :)
I thought in past threads, there were complaints of a softer picture with the 722K regarding local channels. Has that been solved?

I have what I suspect are multipath problems (only 12 miles from the tower with the stations that cause me problems). My 722K has problems with dropouts that the tuner in my Panasonic G25 plasma HDTV does not have. I have tried Channel Master 4228, Wingard 7210, and also smaller antennas located in my attic. The dropouts happen quite frequently (every few minutes) on the 722K, and virtually never with my Panasonic tuner. I originally had a 622 that had similiar problems, and I had hoped the 722K OTA would be better, but it is not. And yes, the picture is softer with the 722K than it is with the Pansonic tuner, and it looks better with the Panasonic tuner. Overall, I am very happy with the 722K, with the glaring exception of the OTA.
And when I got mine in July 2009, the 722k and the OTA Module were free - no commitment. :)

I got mine same time frame, July of'09, and no one ever stated my 722k or the OTA were free. Dish owns my 722k, and I ask about the OTA module. It was a separate purchase for around 30 bucks.
That's straight from dish, not one of their distributors.

I knew it was for picking up locals over the air, but, and maybe someone can clarify this for me, what's the difference in using the OTA module verses getting locals over the dish? I get locals over dish and pay every month, but if I had the OTA, I could get the same locals and drop dish locals?

In the end, is it just cheaper to buy the OTA module and get locals that way?

Is it as simple as "plug and play"? Does dish have to activate something to recognize the module? These can be found relatively cheap other than DN directly.
...It was a separate purchase for around 30 bucks.
That's straight from dish, not one of their distributors.
... what's the difference in using the OTA module verses getting locals over the dish? I get locals over dish and pay every month, but if I had the OTA, I could get the same locals and drop dish locals?


Is it as simple as "plug and play"? ...
Again, both my receiver and the OTA module were "free" - direct from Dish. Yes, Dish owns the receiver.

You need to subscribe to your locals in order to get the Guide info for your locals and thus allow name based recording. If you have both OTA and Sat locals it will sometimes allow you to record locals OTA and thus free up one Sat tuner to record another show at the same time. Also, the video quality is sometimes better OTA as opposed to via Sat.

Yup. Plug and play.

Mobile locals in Auburn?

old thread about lockups at 5:15 p.m.
