OTA HD signal

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Original poster
Oct 15, 2006
I'm a cable customer today and currently researching E* and D* systems and HD offerings. I live in an area that neither provider offers HD locals, but I currently pull all 4 networks HD in with OTA antenna at 98%. If I take that feed dump it into a D* HD receiver, will it come up on the menus as a regular channel as I scroll through them? If I use the D* HD DVR, will it will they record in HD and act as a regular DVR? Could I record and OTA HD program, a regular channel and watch a live third?

Thanks for your help
I'm a cable customer today and currently researching E* and D* systems and HD offerings. I live in an area that neither provider offers HD locals, but I currently pull all 4 networks HD in with OTA antenna at 98%. If I take that feed dump it into a D* HD receiver, will it come up on the menus as a regular channel as I scroll through them? If I use the D* HD DVR, will it will they record in HD and act as a regular DVR? Could I record and OTA HD program, a regular channel and watch a live third?

Thanks for your help

If I take that feed dump it into a D* HD receiver, will it come up on the menus as a regular channel as I scroll through them?

If I use the D* HD DVR, will it will they record in HD and act as a regular DVR?
YES, if you have the HR10-250 it will do it right now, if you have the HR20-700 it will shortly, currently they OTA tuner has not been activated yet.

Could I record and OTA HD program, a regular channel and watch a live third?

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