OTA EPG Grabber Testing

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Active SatelliteGuys Member
Original poster
Sep 4, 2010
New Zealand
With a great deal of help from DRCars the OTA EPG Grabber for ATSC PSIP data seems to be working.

However it needs to be tested on different feeds as there are a number of options a broadcaster can choose so the testing so far has not exercised all the options.

Normally the software is released on Sourceforge but while this is still being tested I have uploaded the current test version to Rapidshare here.


It is very easy to use and doesn't install any drivers, filters etc or mess around with any system settings. Just run the install, set up a parameter file and run a collection.

If you have an hour free give it a try and post the results here. Any help would be appreciated.

Tried this out last night. Not sure what I'm doing wrong. It said that it can't find a BDA tuner. It detected the tuners, but it wasn't able to get ahold of them I guess. The error code was 5:

23:33:23:466 Found tuner 1: Hauppauge WinTV-7164 BDA ATSC/QAM Tuner (ATSC, Cable)
23:33:23:466 Found tuner 2: Hauppauge WinTV-7164 BDA ATSC/QAM Tuner (ATSC, Cable)
23:33:23:466 Processing command line parameter: /ini=C:\Users\dotbatman\Documents\EPG Collector.ini
23:33:23:466 Processing command line parameter: /background=37233322
23:33:23:482 Processing ini parameter: [GENERAL]
23:33:23:482 Processing ini parameter: Output=C:\Users\dotbatman\AppData\Local\Geekzone\EPG Collector\TVGuide.xml
23:33:23:482 Processing ini parameter: Timeouts=10,300,5
23:33:23:482 Processing ini parameter: [ATSC]
23:33:23:497 Processing ini parameter: TuningFile=North America - Terrestrial.xml
23:33:23:497 Processing ini parameter: ScanningFrequency=57000,2,6000,2/3,VSB8,PSIP
23:33:23:513 Tuning to frequency 57000 on ATSC
23:33:24:386 <E> ** The program has failed with an exception
23:33:24:386 <E> ** Exception: No valid BDA tuner
23:33:24:402 <E> ** Location: at DirectShow.BDAGraph.addBoardFilters(Tuner selectedTuner)
at DirectShow.BDAGraph.buildGraph(ITuningSpace tuningSpace, Tuner tuner, TunerType tunerType)
at DirectShow.BDAGraph..ctor(String componentName, TuningSpec tuningSpec, Tuner tunerSpec)
at DirectShow.BDAGraph.checkTunerAvailability(Tuner tuner, TuningSpec tuningSpec, Boolean repeatDiseqc)
at DirectShow.BDAGraph.FindTuner(Collection`1 tuners, TunerNodeType tunerNodeType, TuningSpec tuningSpec, Tuner lastTuner, Boolean repeatDiseqc)
at DirectShow.BDAGraph.FindTuner(Collection`1 tuners, TunerNodeType tunerNodeType, TuningSpec tuningSpec, Tuner lastTuner)
at EPGCollector.Program.tuneFrequency(TuningFrequency frequency)
at EPGCollector.Program.graphWorkerDoWork(Object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
at System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker.OnDoWork(DoWorkEventArgs e)
at System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWor

System Specs:
Hauppauge 2250
Athlon X2 5050e
Windows 7 Pro 64-bit (perhaps this is the trouble-maker?)

Thanks for taking the time to try it. You didn't do anything wrong. The version you have only supports terrestrial ATSC because that's what the guy I have been testing with has. That's why the log reports no valid tuner because it's looking for a ATSC terrestrial tuner.

However if you are willing to do a little testing I am very keen on implementing ATSC cable. It's only the tuning that is different between terrestrial and cable. The data that is received is 99.99% the same.

Could you post the Tuner Info lines from the log - that's how the Collector identifies what sort of tuner(s) it has to work with.

Thanks for your interest and time. Projects like this would never get off the ground without people like you.


Hi again,

Having reread the part of the log you posted I may have been a little hasty. Is the Hauppauge a dual tuner with terrestrial ATSC and cable tuners on a single board?
I see from the log that you did actually select terrestrial frequency 57000 to collect from.

I need to see what DirectShow components it is trying to use to tune. I think your comments about Win7 may be correct.

Can you change the parameters using EPG Centre. On the Diagnostics tab put BDA in the Trace box, save the parameters and run it again.

If you can post the log that would be great.


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