Recently I acquired for free two 7.6' unimesh dishes with actuators and orthomode Chaparral feeds with mini mag LNBs (two LNBs one for V and the other for H C-band, no Ku). This is my first time to try to setup a C-band system (I'm very experienced with Ku setup), and I've been reading this forum for information and recommendations. I need help regarding connecting the two separate V and H lines from the Chaparral feed to my Digital receivers. I've been reading about how to use multi-switches with power insertion (for the 13 volt side), but at the moment I do not want to acquire a multi-switch until I'm sure my setup works. Therefore, I figured directly connecting the H coax line from the feed to one digital receiver, and the V coax line to another digital receiver (with added power inserter to boost the voltage to 18). This would be a temporary setup until I gain experience with the C-band setup. Would this setup work? Any advice? Thanks.