Orlando MPeg4 rollout?

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I wonder if direct is going to follow the "top markets" directly ( hitting #44 before #45 ). I would guess the Louisville market (#50) would most likely be in 2007 or later :(
Boy, I guess if you live in Glendive it is going to be a very very long wait for you :)
Larryd49 said:
When is orlando scheduled for DirecTv's upgrade?

I remember seeing someplace they are estimating March or April for us, in the Orlando/Daytona/Melbourne market. I think it was an article in the Florida Today, about D*.
purvis said:
I wonder if direct is going to follow the "top markets" directly ( hitting #44 before #45 ). I would guess the Louisville market (#50) would most likely be in 2007 or later :(


Assuming for the moment that SpaceWay F2 tests out fine, there are some rumors that the next bunch of DMAs will also rollout fairly quickly next year. So there is some hope for Louisville before 2050 :)

lou-do, can you remember when that florida today article ran? i'm up the road a tad and was just curious, if you rember when you read it. thanks.
iceturkee said:
lou-do, can you remember when that florida today article ran? i'm up the road a tad and was just curious, if you rember when you read it. thanks.

I don't really remember the exact date I saw it, and am not totally sure it was in Florida Today I saw it, I just remember reading it someplace and think that was where. It was about a month ago, I do remember it was before the new satellite launch, because they mentioned it as upcoming. I get several papers and not exactly sure which one I saw it in, just think it was FT.
purvis said:
I wonder if direct is going to follow the "top markets" directly ( hitting #44 before #45 ). I would guess the Louisville market (#50) would most likely be in 2007 or later :(

I would guess, much sooner than the others here are saying, market 44-45, I bet would be by fall at the latest, I think once they get all the equipment on line and working properly, I bet even me at market # 70 will be up before the end of 2006

Jimbo :)
i noticed today in both the circuit city and best buy circulars in the daytona beach newspaper that they were advertising the h-20 for 199 with a mail-in 200 rebate. hopefully, that means we're getting close!!
iceturkee said:
i noticed today in both the circuit city and best buy circulars in the daytona beach newspaper that they were advertising the h-20 for 199 with a mail-in 200 rebate. hopefully, that means we're getting close!!

In northwest ohio, BB has tthe H-10 and H-20 in stock, CC only has the H-10, I was suprised to see the H-20, however they do not have any on display, or the dish for that matter.

BB rep said you can buy the receiver but need to get the dish from D*.
I am not sure if they had the 3 lnb dish in stock or not...

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