Okay, it's been a while since I've tried this but I did try to go directly from antenna to my hopper OTA to no avail. I bypassed everything and it is still not showing the two main channels I want on my hopper. They still show up when it's direct to my TV but not to the Hopper?
Contact DIRT to see if they can arrange a replacement dongle. I'm not sure if you went through the normal reps if they'd do it (since it picks up many channels, it's not "broke" to them).
I don't see any other option, but even I'm skeptical that it's a "weak" model. I don't think it will solve your problem, to be honest, but you want to rule it out. It's the only other variable.
That makes sense. I just don't understand why when the OTA is plugged directly in to the tv I get a lot of channels and when it's directly to the hopper dongle I don't???
TV stations (all of them) + your antenna + your TV's tuner = all stations come in
TV stations (all of them) + your antenna + the OTA's tuner = a couple of stations do not come in
Am I missing anything ? What's different between the two ?
It COULD be a bad OTA dongle, or the wiring or even some weird quirk in the Hopper.
Not all tuners are equal. But the Hopper OTA tuner seems to have a good rep. It COULD just be that the TV OTA tuner is better at getting those two stations.