Origin hacked?

Just a FYI if you have an Origin account: A good number of people on the Origin subreddit are complaining that they're being charged for purchases they did not make. You may want to A: Check your account and B: Update your password.


Thanks for the heads up. I just checked my account and don't see any unauthorized purchases. Just to be safe I changed my password and turned on 2-factor authentication.

Theoretically even if someone got my password they would have to have access to my cell phone to get the authentication code if they weren't on my computer. I'm sure hackers can get around this if they want to but I do it hoping they just choose to move on to the next guy instead of trying to figure it out.
I turn that feature on for every service that features it. I wasn't aware that Origin did until I just went to change my password.
I added the 2 step authentication for unrecognized computers. I can't imagine that if someone were to take control of my PC that they'd then use it to make fraudulent purchases on Origin. I couldn't change my password at the time because I guess they don't want too many account changes at once. As I found out, the only thing I've actually legitimately purchased (That wasn't a giveaway or Origin code from the bundle) was BF4, and sadly that game has received NO love from me. I MAY try out the Sims 2 ultimate edition just because of the tons of content it has with it.
I don't think Origin has my credit card, but I'll change my pw just to be safe. It wasn't a very strong one anyway since I originally created the account to connect to EA's servers to access special in-game related content and features.

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