I have an Orbitron SX7 dish that I recently refurbished and reinstalled.
I notice the original paint mark for aligning the hub to the latitude scale is gone.
Can someone tell me were on the hub that mark should be?
Also, if I use a straightedge across the dish and an inclinometer, where do I have the positioner set when I measure declination? Due south relative to the mount or the dish? There's a difference because spinclination cocks the dish to the east.
I notice the original paint mark for aligning the hub to the latitude scale is gone.
Can someone tell me were on the hub that mark should be?
Also, if I use a straightedge across the dish and an inclinometer, where do I have the positioner set when I measure declination? Due south relative to the mount or the dish? There's a difference because spinclination cocks the dish to the east.