Openbox S9 will not move motor

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SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Nov 25, 2010
New England
My openbox quit moving the motor on my Ku satellite the other day. I hooked up my other receiver and it moves the motor fine. I am not sure what the problem is. It says moving motor but nothing happens. I tried to move it with the manual motor settings on the Openbox but it doesn't budge. Is there anything I can try besides unplugging it before I can condemn it?
OK, I figured out why it wasn't moving the motor. I had a coaxial cable running from the LNB out into my Quali-TV receiver and the Quali-TV is on. Which brings me to my next question on how to properly slave a box. My openbox is the best blind scanning box I have but I have a Coolsat 8000 and a Quali TV that I would like to slave so I can blind scan with the openbox then put the transponder info into my other boxes to update the channels. I am not sure why that would be an issue but I am glad that my receiver is not broken.
I wouold put the receiver that is going to move the dish first then slave off of that
Or better yet get a dual LNB and run a new line to the 2nd receiver
what kind of signal loss do you typically experience when slaving a box? When I run an lnb am I supposed to turn the 22k switching on? I am not sure what the 22k function is for.
The 22k is a setting used for multi-switches. It should be off in this situation. Like Ice said, best bet for 2 recievers with a motor, is to have a dual output lnb and have one outlet to the s9, and the other to another receiver. If you want to add a third receiver (which reads like you do) then I would slave off the second receiver. I usually lose some signal strength but not quality when I slave but I rarely do that so someone might have another suggestion in that area. Good luck. And I agree, I love my s9.
The 22k is a setting used for multi-switches. It should be off in this situation. Like Ice said, best bet for 2 recievers with a motor, is to have a dual output lnb and have one outlet to the s9, and the other to another receiver. If you want to add a third receiver (which reads like you do) then I would slave off the second receiver. I usually lose some signal strength but not quality when I slave but I rarely do that so someone might have another suggestion in that area. Good luck. And I agree, I love my s9.

So when I am using a multiswitch should I turn on the 22k switching? I have a multiswitch for my dual lnbs on my cband dish and I was having trouble with it picking up anything. I was planning on using a diseqc switch to feed the cband signal into one port and my motorized ku dish on the other port.
most multi switches use 22k to switch between pairs of lnb inputs. 22khz off will switch to one h/v pair and 22khz on switches to the other pair on a 5x4 or 4x4 as examples.

crackt out,.
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