This receiver is sluggish to turn on and off, I can live with it though.
What gets me, is that on galaxy 19, all I get is 480i/mpeg1 is that it all I get?.
These channels should be mepeg2 minimum, running 1080i (no p option) but that doesn't mean much, its just up converting.
Prob says mpeg1 but maybe its mpeg2 IDK seems like a rip didn't 480i/mpeg1 go out with the dinosaurs.
What gets me, is that on galaxy 19, all I get is 480i/mpeg1 is that it all I get?.
These channels should be mepeg2 minimum, running 1080i (no p option) but that doesn't mean much, its just up converting.
Prob says mpeg1 but maybe its mpeg2 IDK seems like a rip didn't 480i/mpeg1 go out with the dinosaurs.