Boobie Tubie...we will try to keep you ABREAST of the situation as soon as we hear anything.
In the mean time...we we will NIP any rumors in the bud if they should appear on this forum. You know you can always MILK this forum for relevant information as often as you wish. And...the latest staTITStics show that interest in VOOM's success or failure is on the rise. I hope, as I am sure you do, that we can LICK the impending scenario (where VOOM my actually go away) in the bud.
Hope this information helps you, I now have to retire because it is time for my dinner...I plan to have some PUFFY tacos with some MELONS for desert, but wait...I hear someone at the door banging on the KNOCKER...what UDDER disregard for this late hour.
I can see through the peephole it is someone I haven't seen for years...if my MAMMARY serves me, it was a friend I used to hang out with and we used to watch our favorite TV show together..."TWIN PEAKS".
Guess I better answer the door because I need to say hello, eat my dinner, and hit the RACK before it gets too late.