Yes, I've used them all on a short term basis. Problem is, I do some crazy things with a smart phone / tablet and that's one area where iPhone comes up a little short. Then again, most don't try to do remote support from their phone

I'm much more of a power user so I readily admit that I set a high bar for multi-tasking performance. What's a high bar though? Simultaneously running:
Multiple Terminal Emulators (Unix Servers)
Multiple Remote Desktop Sessions (Windows Servers)
Multiple Web Browsing Sessions (Intel Hardware KVM)
The ability to "sneaker-net" files is oft overlooked by those without removable storage. "sneaker-net" is faster when you are talking about larger transfers, i.e. Move ROMs around, transfer entire music libraries etc. Take the card out, copy to/from a computer, put it back in.
I expected iPhone5 to be quad core, but now if iPhone 6 or iPhone 5s (or whatever the next one is badged) isn't quad core they will be clearly losing the performance game. Not that it'll be bad, but it will be underpowered.
The chipset vendor for the SoC (Samsung Exynos, Qualcomm Snapdragon, NVidia Tegra, TI OMAP, etc) should be done by the chipset vendor, as they have access to all of the specifics of the chipset. I don't have an in at Google to say that's what is happening though. I do know on newer generation dual or quad core chipsets, even without Jelly Bean I have no performance issues. Newer to me is something like the Galaxy S2 (work phone) or the Tegra 3 (tablet) as compared to the Moto Photon's chipset (don't remember what one that is off the top of my head).
The last ability I haven't touched on is expandibility with industry standards such as USB. I can connect up serial adapters and wired network adapters to my GS2 and tablet and either of these will work without any effort on my part. While I'd never actually use it beyond the "gee it's cool" on the GS2, I use it regularly on my tablet. But once again, we're talking about power user vs a typical user. Not many people hook up text console sessions any more.
It was asked what was lacking, I gave my perspective for me. OTOH, the Iphone 4 / 4s / 5 / Next Gen works well for other members of my household -- and that's quite fine too.
I'm not anti-apple -- I switched my wife over (begrudgingly) to Mac and she couldn't be happier now. I use a Mac Mini as a desktop/server/test bed and have no complaints other than the Belkin Thunderbolt Dock is late and getting later by the day. I added a second ethernet NIC with a Thunderbolt/Ethernet adapter to split off a dedicated network to my NAS for ripping / managing etc.