One of our good neighbors has experienced a Tragedy !

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SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Supporting Founder
Dec 18, 2003
One of our good neighbors has experienced a terrible tragedy !

If you have any way to help, it would be greatly appreciated. They may very likely
loose their home and their daughter and they have three other children to shelter !
My prayers are going out to the little girl and her family. This is a very tragic thing to have happen, especially to someone so young.
Wow, my heart goes out to that family. My first reaction was that the passangers probably we not wearing seat belts. But according to the Highway Patrol all occupants were wearing seatbelts. That must have been one horrific accident.

My thoughts and prayers will be with that family.
Yes, little Maragret was strapped into her booster seat in the back seat on the passenger side. The impact was on the drivers side rear door. The impact completely fractured her spinal cord in the neck. If she makes it, she will never walk again, move her body or breath on her own.

Her 16 year old sister who was driving loved her little sisters and brother and provided them love and care beyond description. Big sister is having a very rough time with this, even though she walked out with a broken hand. She has not left her little sisters bedside.
Wow, my heart goes out to that family. My first reaction was that the passangers probably we not wearing seat belts. But according to the Highway Patrol all occupants were wearing seatbelts. That must have been one horrific accident.
From the story, it seems one of the vehicles ran the stop sign/light, resulting in the car being t-boned. That kind of accident leaves almost no protection for the person on the side of impact.
Edit: This post was moved from the Dish network forum to the Chit-Chat club, so my comment seems extremely out of place now. I am therefore editing it and leaving this apology in its place. Sorry if I offended anyone, I just feel that there are a lot of sad things that happen in this world, and although this certainly was a tragedy for those involved, who is to say that this girls life is more important than any other person suffering?
I just feel that there are a lot of sad things that happen in this world, and although this certainly was a tragedy for those involved, who is to say that this girls life is more important than any other person suffering?
The person is someone known by a member of the forum. That makes her more important to that member. The member is asking for prayers and help.
I see nothing wrong with that, as it's not like they posted a random story. If a relative or good friend of yours suffered a tragedy, do you want someone to tell you that it's not important because worse things happen to other people?

To have a relatively new person say that to a long time member/supporter is incomprehensible...

*note* I do agree that the post should have been moved to chit chat and had mentioned it to a mod. My reason was for more widespread readability, not to shield insensitive people from other's tragic news.
*note* I do agree that the post should have been moved to chit chat and had mentioned it to a mod. My reason was for more widespread readability, not to shield insensitive people from other's tragic news.
But, the Dish Network forum is probably the most widely read forum here. Current numbers show 819 viewing the Dish Network forum and only 33 viewing Chit Chat...
Didn't your Mom ever teach you, if you don't have anything nice to say, keep your f'n mouth shut!

'nuff said

I very carefully worded my response, knowing that some people are overly sensitive about these things. I don't see how coming on here asking for cash donations is so innocent. But, then again, I've only got a few posts under my belt, I'm not a "pub" member, so I probably should keep my trap shut, right? (Disregarding the fact that I've been a visitor to this site for something like 6 years).

-Edit Mispelled 'pub' with an 'e' on the end. Corrected.
My thoughts and prayers go out to this little girl and her family.
I posted this out there because I want as much exposure as I can get for them. I donated and set up the benefitfund website and my other neighor is administrator of it. This family has 3 other kids to take care of and if she does recover, I hope they have a house to come home to as Mom had just started working another job and has no leave time and was working at McDonalds too, now she is at her little girls bedside. The big sister made a mistake and all things came together to make a terrible tradgedy. Her sister will have to live with this is she survives or not, and to get their home taken from them over this, and if it contunues, their insurance will cap out leaving them all on medicade. No family can be prepared for this type of event. I know their are other familys suffering as bad as this, but after going to the hospital on accident night and seeing her non responsive/coded.. And 3 days later she is squinting at yes and no question from my wife, just breaks my heart, she sure didn't ask for this. The MRI show a 99.9 percent chance her cord was completely severed at the neck but the won't know until they go in, and they can't get her stable enough to do that yet.

She will have no quality at life but how can you ask her if she would like a new pony tale holder and have her squit once for yes and know that she is their but detached from the rest of her body, but yet alert enough you know that beatiful person is still there.

This is the post we left in her journal !

Dear Miss Margaret,

As we walked into your room tonight, it seems as if it was only a few weeks ago that you pulled up in our driveway on your little scooter with your mom calling out to you to get your shoes on. No problem, Miss Rhonda's shoes were laying beside her and she wasn't using them because she was reading a book. As you rode away and turned with that beautiful smile, one seems to forget how fragile our lives all are.

Tonight as Miss Rhonda stood up on that bench beside your bed and called out to you, your beautiful eyes immediately made contact. As Miss Rhonda promised to bring you new pony tale holders and a new silly headband, you squinted your eyes with approval and a yes. As your tears flowed when your brother and sister entered the room, one could only wonder what kind of emotions must be running through you, just like us.

We have never felt so helpless in our lives, unable to fix this, only to try to comfort you by rubbing your beautiful face. No human should have to endure what you are going through especially at age five, and neither should any parent.

To fix this, we must all look above and ask for help as our Lord is the only one that performs such a miracle.

Little Miss Margaret, we are all trying so hard to help. I hope that miracle happens soon. We will always be thinking of you.


Gary, Rhonda & Jordan

If someone has an extra couple bucks, I can think of know better way to spend it.

If you believe in prayer as we do, then that's great too..

Thank you fellow members, if this gets moved to a more exposed are of the forms, it would be a good thing to do..

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As for ME I will try to improve my communication skills and to be more compasionate of others. We will never know what the other person is going thru untill we walk in their shoes. Since this seldom happens we are better off to contain our criticism. Quite often we talk without thinking then we are sorry for what we spoke. In the organization that I am a member we vote to help people that a few of us do not really know, but I do not hear any inconsiderate remarks. One of the reason, we do not hear this type of remark is we desire to help others in any manner that is possible.
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