One In Five Customers Have Dropped Voom

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I subscribe to both Dish and Voom, but I would obviously rather have one provider
who offered everything I want at a reasonable price. Dish has alot to offer.....a little
something for everyone.........and a commitment to keep cost down. However, I'm personally more interested in HD content(Good, bad, "Compelling", redundant) then
having the most variety of programming options. I realize that Voom is experiencing
growing pains and have made a few mistakes, but what impresses me is their mission
is to offer the most HD content.....plain and simple. Dish and Direct TV did not come
out of the gate without a few bumps in the road, give Voom a chance to improve
before we write them off!
eschu97611 said:
save me from my substandard pq and repetitive program hell-LMAO
If all you get from VOOM is substandard PQ and repetitive programming, why are you writing them a check every month?? If thats all it takes to keep u as a customer, I'll send you some vhs tapes every week--$75/mnth. We got a deal???
If all you get from VOOM is substandard PQ and repetitive programming,why are you writing them a check every month??

No a better question is why you are backing Voom when you know escgy97611 is correct? You could back him up and try to get better programming for Voom. Instead you try to make his statement sound false. So go ahead and believe they don't replay the same stuff over and over. Let me see.... I have never seen "Man with two brains" on Cinema 10, "Crimson Pirate", "Hard Water" or repeated soccer events on WrldSports, and countless other repeated HD feeds. Give me a break! It is more of a demo instead of a service. If Voom had firewire we could of recorded this stuff onto HD and dropped our service. There are some good hd channels like Discovery HD, but you can get this on the other providers. If dish and directv aquire Voom do you really think they would keep any of Voom's exclusive channels? No! They would replace every one of them with good HD channels. We all have a good hunch that they will be aquired because of the situation with investors. Voom can't lose money forever and they will eventually give in. With Dish and Directv needing extra bandwidth for hd and other services they will surely offer a good deal to Voom. Let the threads begin........
mattyro said:
If all you get from VOOM is substandard PQ and repetitive programming, why are you writing them a check every month?? If thats all it takes to keep u as a customer, I'll send you some vhs tapes every week--$75/mnth. We got a deal???
Love my hd-no other service provides as much, YET-even with shoddy pq and programming, worth the money for NOW-don't know for how much longer though-Please D* save me-LMAO
Sean Mota said:

A lot of people will tell you that the 6000 is very stable but let me ask you how the hell can E* get away with selling a receiver that has bugs and charged the money they were charging for it and then come out and said we are no longer supporting it.<

I'm with Voom until the end but I still have my 6000 (now deactivated.)

If I should ever return to E*, are you suggesting that my 6000 receiver will no longer work for hd?

shelly said:
Sean Mota said:

A lot of people will tell you that the 6000 is very stable but let me ask you how the hell can E* get away with selling a receiver that has bugs and charged the money they were charging for it and then come out and said we are no longer supporting it.<

I'm with Voom until the end but I still have my 6000 (now deactivated.)

If I should ever return to E*, are you suggesting that my 6000 receiver will no longer work for hd?


no, it will work. But the receiver has a bug in it that if you watch an OTA channel for a long time and try to get back to satellite channels, it will give you the infamous "acquiring or downloading the program guide". Dish knows about this problem and they have opted not to fix the problem. They promised to bring opentv to the 6000 and they never did. They promised to change the interface to and they never did. The 6000 OTA module is not really that good. It drops the signal if it reaches below 60. I used to get constant drops on my ota channels even though I had an adequate antenna and I was only 15 miles away from power. With VoOM I never drop ota station now.

You can go on and on about the 6000. You can still get a decent money for it on ebay but my point was that dish about a year ago was still charging $600 for this piece of garbage that they knew it was going to be absolete in a few months. They did not even considered renting the piece of garbage. Then they come out with the 811 and expect you again to invest more $$$ into another receiver that had bugs from the beginning. This is their history. This is how they operate. You never buy equipment that works as advertized. It takes them a few months or years to get the equipment working properly and then it becomes absolete by the time is full (or close to full) operational.
eschu97611 said:
1st Amendment????????????????????

Private forum. 1st Amendment does not apply if the moderator/administrator want to censor something or someone (like rex who is now flaming us and voom in the dish network forum).

Enjoy your 6 HD channels (if you subscribe to HBO and Showtime also).
rexoverbey said:
If we want to talk about bugs Sean look at Vooms 1000 list of bugs.


don't even compare VOOM bugs with the Dish bugs. First the VOOM gives you a choice about leasing the equipment. Before Dish did not and you have to shell $600 for equipment that was buggy to begin with and became absolete after it became operational. Bugs are bugs any which way you want to call it. VOOM was the first one to offer a lease program for HD stbs. If you got it now with E*, be happy with it. I am not since I spent $1600 for two receivers that up to today Dish is still advertizing in their dish demo channel as state of the art (crap). Even the 811 has bugs from the beginning and it has no PG for local digital channels (big dissapointment). Rex, you pointed to one thread about VOOM 1000's bugs. I can point a whole forum dedicated to dealing with 811, 921 and 6000 bugs they will number 1000 threads or more.... Go to the Dish Forum and check them out.

Good luck Rex.
First the VOOM gives you a choice about leasing the equipment. Before Dish did not
Voom didn't use to lease equipment either, now Dish does. Voom is losing $0 upfront, Dish is keeping $0 upfront.

1st Amendment does not apply
The whole point to a forum is to express views, thoughts, and concerns. Nobody is going to agree with everyone's opinion, because that is an opinion. If it weren't for people like me you all would be talking about...

"When do we get _____ HD? "
"I think Next Month"
"No two months"
"No three Months"

Yawn! Now look at this thread and others I have started. Everyone has a comment or concern. People get talking. People start expressing their viewpoints with passion. People start to think how is this service compared to others. Questions get answered, and people can't wait to find out what has been happening since the last post. If threads like this weren't started we would have never got picture quality issues solved with voom a couple months ago. They would have been happy with the subpar standards. But everyone voiced their opinion and got things done. So flame me all you want I will voice my thoughts.
rexoverbey said:
Voom didn't use to lease equipment either, now Dish does. Voom is losing $0 upfront, Dish is keeping $0 upfront.

The whole point to a forum is to express views, thoughts, and concerns. Nobody is going to agree with everyone's opinion, because that is an opinion. If it weren't for people like me you all would be talking about...

"When do we get _____ HD? "
"I think Next Month"
"No two months"
"No three Months"

Yawn! Now look at this thread and others I have started. Everyone has a comment or concern. People get talking. People start expressing their viewpoints with passion. People start to think how is this service compared to others. Questions get answered, and people can't wait to find out what has been happening since the last post. If threads like this weren't started we would have never got picture quality issues solved with voom a couple months ago. They would have been happy with the subpar standards. But everyone voiced their opinion and got things done. So flame me all you want I will voice my thoughts.
Boy, you surely are full of yourself. We keep checking in to see what the latest blundering comment is from irritating flamers. Not for the value contained in the thread. I for one find these threads utterly hilarious :D
Let me get this straight. Rex cancelled and now he is on a crusade to complain for us until everything gets fixed because he deeply cares about us?
rexoverbey said:
I still have service, I still have voom. Sean was going to quit and no said "Get the blank out". Half the people here agree w/ me. The other half are die hard voomers who think Voom is god.
really? why not have a poll on it?
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