DJ Rob said:
Okay, I'll play. I now run a radio station and have been in the radio biz on and off for 20+ years. I've been on the air at one time or another at 3 out of the 5 top billing radio stations in the US. So what?
So again you are a BSer.
Considering the Top 5 and their varied formats, BS.
If you are such a genius, why not list the top 10 billing stations in the USA?
And if you are running a Denver station (laughable, but I have to say it) why not give us the Miller Kaplans for the top 5 stations through April?
Then again, if you really did run a station and they are all voicetracked THEN YOU ARE THE PROBLEM. You can't have it both ways.
DJ Rob said:
Facts are facts...All you have to do is look at the spec sheets for ibiquity's 'HD' system. It IS compressed and there ARE audio artifacts. It isn't CD quality as these stations state on their web sites. Or on ibiquity's site. The bandwidth is not there for them to support 2 digital feeds on one frequency and state it is CD quality.
You are right Facts are about start using some.
No one said they weren't compressed. The level of compression is the question and you think they sound worse than 96kps mp3.
Suggestion - Ear Wax remover and Q-Tips. I'd love to hear your stellar sounding audio chain in Denver as "you run it", LOL.
DJ Rob said:
I can hear the difference. Others stated in this thread they can hear the difference between HD radio and a CD. I don't understand why you are telling me that my hearing is going bad when I can clearly hear the artifacts in the compressed audio that is ibiquity's 'HD'. If my hearing was bad, wouldn't I not be able to tell a difference between the two?
There you go again....I can tell the difference in CD and DAT....and quite frankly I have been able to identify the make of CD players the station was using on the air after listening for 30 seconds.
Again, I'll say it...your hearing isnt for sh.. if you cannot tell the difference.
DJ Rob said:
I can also hear artifacts with both of the satellite radio providers. I wouldn't say that any of them (sat and ter HD radio) are at the 192k MP3 level.
Then get the crap out of your ears or get your hearing checked. Satellite is equivalant to 192k MP3 and HD Radio is superior to that.
DJ Rob said:
As for you saying that I said that Clear Channel owns all of the frequencies, please do not make statements I did not say. I said "Big corporations like Clear Channel". That includes CBS/Infinity, Entercom, Emmis and others, these corporations own the majority of stations out there. That is a fact.
Your facts as laughable. So much for facts are facts.
Clear Channel owns slightly over 1,100 stations. Then CBS, Entercom and Emmis all own less than another 900 less than 2,000 stations out of 12,000 nationwide owned by people you name. AND EMMIS OWNS 24 STATIONS - THATS 24 - AS IN 2 DOZEN. Add in Cox, Radio One, Cumulus, Citadel (including the ABC stations) and SBS, you are barely scratching 3,000.....or less than 25% of the stations in the country.
Come on....if you are so l33t in broadcasting, at least have an ounce of credibiilty somewhere.
Again, research shows that major corporations own LESS than 33% of the stations out there. Between those listed, you have not even scratched 20% and the numbers fall of dramatically from there.
DJ Rob said:
And most stations are automated and voicetracked. I've been in most of the stations here in Denver and except for the talk stations when they have local talent, the stations are automated with breaks that are recorded on computer by DJs hours or even days earlier. I've been in most of the stations in this town in the last month, it is reality. I'm also friends with a DJ that voicetracks 20 stations across the country from here every day.
Come least be consistent in a single post. First you run the station in Denver. Now you visit the station.
Last post you say all but 2 are voicetracked. Now you say "except the talk stations" Blah blah blah.
I'll be happy to tell the people over at the Country KYGO and KBKS they really don't exist. Tell the people at KBCO they aren't really there. Gosh, i've just named 3 off the top of my head with live air talent and none are talk.
I am sure I could name many more if I really wanted to show how far wrong you are.
DJ Rob said:
Here's the automation equipment that Clear Channel uses in most of their stations:
They even own that company too.
Golly gee Jethro anyone in Broadcast School knows what?
You want to prove your stuff....list the Denver stations and the which system they are on for on air and traffic - as well as the main processing each station uses and then maybe you'll have an ounce of credibility.
Come to think of it, add in what equipment supplier each is using for HD radio.
Let's see you step up to the plate - some simple things that any decent manager running a station in Denver would know if they had a clue.
DJ Rob said:
As for LP stations, these station corporations will try to protect their revenue by doing whatever it takes to limit competition. When the FCC was taking apps for LPFM's and LPAM's, the big station owners whined about how these low power stations would cause interference to their already licensed full power stations. So the FCC requires surveys and field tests that can cost six figures or more just to apply for one of these low power stations that have a few mile radius. It makes trying to get a LP station a financially stupid decision. Plus there are little to no slots even available to apply for in most metropolitan areas
Not true. If you go by second adjacent, there were slots even in the largest of markets.
I have been involved with compute runs for moving multiple transmitters in multiple markets to move licenses around - and I have yet to ever hit a bill in six figures even for something as involved as that.
You are just totally out of touch with reality.
But again, yes it will cause interference so broadcasters should scream bloody murder.
And with IBOC, right now the HD1 signal is probably limited to the 70dbu signal (I guess you know what that is?).
The next time there is a natural disaster (such as a hurricane or earthquake) let's see how these LPFM really perform serving the public - that is if they really care about serving the public. I didn't hear reports of 1 LPFM or Pirate helping the public in New Orleans of Miami (the pirate radio capital) after Hurricanes hit last year.
Of course, I suspect you didn't see the study out today that 78% of the population is satisfied with Terrestial Radio.
So much for the unserved masses.
Your responses prove you do not run any station in Denver - nor been on the air at 3 of the top 5 billing stations in the USA.
You sound like the guy who spins tunes in the strip bar who cannot get a job in broadcasting though. Atleast your name fits.
EDIT: ROFLMAO....You should wish you were in a strip club spinning would have a bigger audience!
So you have been on Howard Stern's show once that was on stations in LA and NY.....ROFLMAO!!!!!! Just like every stripper and pr0n wannabe in the USA.
Boy you are the expert!!!!!
This is too funny....too priceless. You don't even know what the Top 5 billing stations in the USA are....and being a guest on someone else's show isn't exactly that high profile you maintain.
No wonder you cant hear worth a crap.....listen to the crappy sound quality on the internet....what do you expect....this is too funny.
Thanks for giving me the biggest laugh of the month.
You are such the maven in the broadcast field.