On my knees here.......please help!....

If it shows "DP Feed" that means its either a single or dual. Regardless of single or dual, its aimed at one satellite, in this case 119.
If it was a Twin (110/119) it would say that. If there was a switch involved, it would say "DP34" or something like that at the top of the screen.

for it showing on both, since there is 2 tuners it would show check screen twice, one for each tuner.
I shall take a screen shot and post it when I can. I must admit I am becoming intrigued as to how they have set up this system.

It does check the signal twice picking up 119 on both, as correctly stated by Mr Iceberg. I hoping that doesn't mean it can't pick up 110! just that it isn't at the moment.

Increasingly with the guys who installed this system, I feel like I am in a satellite soap opera. All it will take now is for the dish to fall on my head putting me into a deep coma while the evil installer tries to steal my girlfriend.......As long as he gets 110 first and the football it won't be too bad....
You didn't mention that you had a girl friend - hell, we can come down there and help you! :D Okay..., just joking. On the serious side...

Like I said, I wasn't familiar with the screens on the 322, Radio Shack didn't have one in stock so I bought a 311 a few months ago.

It sounds like each Tuner is showing 119 once, which would be good. And yes, when they get 110 fed to you, each Tuner should show 119 and 110, and maybe a few others.

But when you get tired of enjoying the island, please post a picture of the "Check Switch" screen.

EDIT: As always, thanks Iceberg.

New Dish 1000???

HD Locals launch dates?

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