? on fine tuning TV settings


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Apr 4, 2006
I've had a 37" Olevia LCD flat panel for over a year now. Up until the other day, I've only had a DVD player and my Dish Net 322 connected to it via the RF connection for the 322 and composite cables for the DVD player. The picture and quality are very good, given that I'm not an A/V conosuier (sp). I've never adjusted the settings for viewing quality, as I found them acceptable.

Well, my DVD player died, so I went and purchased a cheap DVD recorder, which has many output connections, to include RF (1) component (2), S-vid (2) and composite (1).

I decided to connect the DVD player via the component cables, as I have this HD TV and a new player with HD outputs, so I didn't want to waste them. However, the coloring seems to be off when viewing DVDs via the component cables. Before you ask, yes, I do have the red to red, green to green and blue to blue.

Now I know that each individual's eyes and viewing tastes are different, but I was wondering if someone can explain the different TV settings of Saturation, Hue, Sharpness, etc. that my set provides. It also has three seperate color adjustments for red, green and blue, which I have set at around 50-60 for each.

Is there any one setting that can be acceptable for most all DVD media for the different settings? I would hate to have to adjust the TV settings for each different disk I insert to view.

Your expertise is appreciated.


I've reset the factory defaults of the TV.

One more question I have...Maybe, are SD DVDs not meant to be played / viewed through the component cables? Could this be why my coloring appears off?

not an expert but 2 possible bits of help.
1. ensure the cables are 100% in, i had a recent experience where they were 90% in the sockets and the picture looked greenish, pushed in 100% and all was well. Worth a check.
Yes you can use component for dvd's
2. Look to see if on one of your DVD's (THX DVD's have this) there is a test setup option could help you get the color right.
not sure....
DVD players are best viewed with HDMI connections (or as a 2nd resort...component video).

That being said:
with the green only cable connected you should have a black and white image. When you add the red cable, you should see red added to the image. When you add the blue cable you should see blue added to the image. Do this to verify that all cables are properly connnected.


Connecting a Duel DVD/VCR Recorder to Receiver

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