shelly said:I requested the 30" but Joe said that the 24" would take care of my problem and that the 30" was being tested now for 2 satellite reception.
this is interested and revealing

shelly said:I requested the 30" but Joe said that the 24" would take care of my problem and that the 30" was being tested now for 2 satellite reception.
shelly said:Good MOrning Sean,
I think that you're just a rumor monger.
If Voom decided to launch a second satellite that required a 30" dish installation, they then would have to reinstall all of their current customers. ,But with such a small customer base at this time, it would not break the $$$ bank, but still be pricey.
Aren't there already two satellites in service--the Dish sat and the Rainbow sat, both near 61.5? This has always confused me or is it the same satellite but just different names for the parts that each sat service occupies?
I still don't know why I did not get a 30" dish authorized when others have? I am assuming that this is a decision made by Installs, Inc. or is it actually made by Voom itself?
rang1995 said:Has anyone SOLVED their rain-fade with a bigger dish? maybe alot will be solved with the new encoders and when Voom goes to mpeg-4
dsball said:Interesteing news on the bigger 30" dish testing. I wonder what States/Areas this is being done?
DarrellP said:Tonight I had my first significant rainfall since getting Voom on March 13th and my signal went totally out. My signal strength was around 47 where normally it's up around 90 on a clear day. I'm thinking of calling Voom and asking for a bigger dish, I'm currently using a 24" dish.
owlbox said:I'm going to 24" on Monday. If that doesn't work I'll cable up my 3 meter BUD.)