Hi everyone. This is my first post here. But while I'm new here I'm quite a old timer when it comes to satellite TV. I built my C-band dish out of a "do it yourself" kit back in 1982 when home satellite dishes were just becoming available. It came in many small pieces and had to be assembled bit by bit like a giant erector set. You can imagine my thrill when I finally hooked it up and saw my first pictures coming out of the sky!
That was the golden age of satellite-TV when nothing was scrambled. And besides free HBO and Showtime there was all sorts of interesting closed-circuit feeds from TV networks relaying unedited programs, sports and news events from around the country. Back then home satellite dishes were so new and rare that TV stations didn't even think anyone would be watching these feeds so they censored nothing. For example I often watched the Johnny Carson's "Tonight Show" as it was done live in LA and relayed back to NY for editing. And believe me- what they edited out was usually better than what got on the air! And in various "closed circuit" feeds I got to see the side of TV personalities and their guests that the public never sees and this was often very revealing.
Sadly this golden era is long gone. Scrambling began in the mid-'80s and most TV remote news feeds went to Ku-band. About this time cable became available in my area so my dish has been sitting in the back of my yard largely unused for the past 20 years. But the other day I decided to hook it back up just to see if it still worked. And indeed it was still receiving signals- but every one was scrambled or digital now so it appears my dish is pretty much a worthless relic just taking up space. I'm about to dissemble it and haul it off to the scrapyard but I thought I'd check with you guys to see if you know of anything worthwhile that's still available in the clear on C-band that I might have overlooked before I pull the plug for good.
That was the golden age of satellite-TV when nothing was scrambled. And besides free HBO and Showtime there was all sorts of interesting closed-circuit feeds from TV networks relaying unedited programs, sports and news events from around the country. Back then home satellite dishes were so new and rare that TV stations didn't even think anyone would be watching these feeds so they censored nothing. For example I often watched the Johnny Carson's "Tonight Show" as it was done live in LA and relayed back to NY for editing. And believe me- what they edited out was usually better than what got on the air! And in various "closed circuit" feeds I got to see the side of TV personalities and their guests that the public never sees and this was often very revealing.
Sadly this golden era is long gone. Scrambling began in the mid-'80s and most TV remote news feeds went to Ku-band. About this time cable became available in my area so my dish has been sitting in the back of my yard largely unused for the past 20 years. But the other day I decided to hook it back up just to see if it still worked. And indeed it was still receiving signals- but every one was scrambled or digital now so it appears my dish is pretty much a worthless relic just taking up space. I'm about to dissemble it and haul it off to the scrapyard but I thought I'd check with you guys to see if you know of anything worthwhile that's still available in the clear on C-band that I might have overlooked before I pull the plug for good.