OK, know that everyone don't really like the name and all. And as a person from Oklahoma, I'm sorry to those in Seattle. However, this is a good time for my state... Putting the name to the side, it is good news in my opinion for Oklahoma to finally join many other states and have a professional team (at least one of the big ones, NBA, NFL, or MLB--NHL wouldn't work here I don't think, LOL).
I've never been a sports fan, college, professional, high school, etc... With this though, I feel that it has to bring some money to this state and help my state become a better state. (I hope) We just got the lottery a few years ago, and because of Indian tribes, we have casinos out the wazoo. This brings people into this state along with their money, which goes to the people of this state in the end through better roads, schools, and entertainment now that NBA is finally in my state. Know that many will disagree, but I can't see why bringing more money into this state is bad. We need to join the 21st century. At the very least, improve our standings...
Now, about Seattle, can't business people there start a franchise? Or do they (NBA) only allow so many? Don't know how that works. The team was sold to the Oklahoma owners, so saying that they stole it, is like you selling your car to someone and them taking it to the scrap yard, and because you aren't happy with what they did with it, you sue that person because you didn't like it and lose the fight. Then afterwards go around saying that person stole it from you. They did buy it, and the contract said they had to attempt to get new arena in Seattle area for one year after sale, which they did do. (Perhaps not to others liking, but they fulfilled their end of the contract regardless, otherwise why are they just now moving team? Wouldn't they have moved it when they first purchased it? About 1 ½ years ago…--looking on web, SuperSonics were purchased July of 2006, so now more than two years ago). So saying we stole your team is not true.